Fox on 'Fringe,' 'Human Target' renewal chances

Feb 16, 2011 15:34

Fox Entertainment president, Kevin Reilly, is super psyched about Fringe doing well in ratings. Read his interview with Entertainment Weekly here.

As for Human Target ….
 “We have some decisions to make about that,” Reilly says, “and Lie to Me as well. These shows are not being rejected. They’re doing a consistent and solid number. There are networks that would be happy to take those shows. We have to look at our shelf space.”

Translation: We’re going to decide about Human Target and Lie after we see our pilots for next fall. But keep in mind, Fox only programs two hours a night, so that’s a pretty crowded shelf….

So... yeah. Thanks FOX, I see you're still commited to sucking.

interview, human target

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