After realising the other day that outside of the games industry I'm only qualified to flip burgers I've decided to start trying to expand my skill set a tad, beginning with some web design. Hell, I'm never going to be an MySQL, PHP or Java programmer but I can do the graphics, Flash and HTML and with a bit of CSS, DHTML, XHTML and Javascript
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Comments 3
As far as I can tell, the main skills needed are photoshop, Illustrator, Flash (graphics, not code, in creating .fla files and .swf). You'll need to build up a portfolio of designs and layouts too, obviously.
Anyway, if I can help in any way, drop me a mail on initial dot surname at ntlworld dot com.
I'll probably take you up on those ex-Sony outsource contacts too but it's a bit early just yet.
Thanks again and I'll be sure to drop you a line if I think you can help.
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