I've got a question about gearing my shaman healer and I was hoping somebody here could help me out.
I just bought
my shaman a new trinket with valor points today to replace her alchemist's stone, and I noticed that with this trinket, she now has 3400 spirit
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Comments 24
TC isn't for everyone, though-- so I do suggest grabbing it and queueing for a few guild groups (or heroics) to test it out. *ANY* time I'm not hitting someone with a heal, I'm moving out of Bad Stuff or I'm tossing out a LB to get back some mana.
I think why I enjoy it is that I don't have to rely overmuch on in-combat regen, and on a longer-ish fight I can spam my Greater Healing Wave + Riptide + Chain Heal and Healing Rain and then when the heavy-hitting mobs are dead (or the heavy hitting phase on the boss is over) I can throw out LBs and end the fight with plenty of mana to go on to the next pull right away. <--And if not, I still manage to not run out of mana during the fight. This has enabled me to heal through a lot of Stupid ( ... )
I've been reforging more to other stats like crit, mastery, haste...depending on what I think I'm short for more powerful & faster heals.
Here's her armory:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/duskwood/Mafdet/simple
You might want to play around with reforging some of your spirit into those other stats, depending on your playstyle.
I initially went the way of spirit/mastery, but am trying to even out with crit/haste.
For the content you're doing, do you find that you're going OOM and that's causing people to die? Then you need more regen.
Are you finding that you always have a ton of mana and would maybe like your spells to just be bigger? Then reforge/spec out of some regen and get more throughput.
For my normal (5mans and occasional 10m Firelands and BoT/BWD) build, I didn't use TC since 2200-2400~ ish spirit was enough to get me through any Zul dungeon.. that didn't have a bunch of repeated catastrophic failures, anyway- though the high end of 2400 i managed most of those fine, usually!. Of course, healing is VERY much skill/personal preference based, so it's pretty much impossible to say 'exactly this much of this, and this trinket' :]
Which of the three other secondary stats you hybrid gem, ench, and reforge to depends on play style and the content you're running. I started out stacking spirit and haste pre-zg/za to hit the 2k-ish threshold. My casts happened plenty fast enough but I couldn't sustain them with so little crit and to a lesser extent mastery. Since 4.3 I've been shooting for the 916ish mark and stacked spirit, then crit, then mastery. The abundance of crit eliminates the need for mastery for the most part. Without so much haste I feel more comfortable using HSurge, which even with the lower haste still ticks in at about 1.3s; that combined with the extra mastery I have from itemizing it over haste will almost always give me enough tank HP buffer to give a big, long GHW afterward.
This is my shaman and I gear for the 2005 Haste breakpoint before stacking other stats. I use Telluric Currents so my Spirit is much lower than yours even factoring in my DMC: Tsunami trinket. I use that set-up to heal both LFR and my guild DS raids.
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