is good for looking at what your toon might look like without having to cough up the cash for something you might not like. You don't get to customize it too much but you get to see what your gear looks like on a different race.
I use the PTR. Load your toon onto the PTR and sometimes they give faction/race/recustomization options, so I change my toons around and give it a test drive.
I had a horde warlock named X. I changed her to Alliance and made her name Y. When worgens came out, and I had the cash to spare, I was waiting to swap her to Worgen. I was SOOOOOO excited when I race changed her and got to change her name back to X! When I logged her back in, all my guilides (who had swapped H->A as well) were like....OMG THE GANG IS ALL HOME! It was fun. I totally threw off my naming theme, but oh well. It was worth it to see the green text light up with WELCOME HOME sentiments.
Comments 14
Forsake not the gnome magery. (I just made one and I love her so much.)
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