Another installment of: The Good, The Bad, the Pugly

Jul 11, 2011 10:34

So there's never good without the bad, it seems. Come, listen to my tale...did I underreact or did someone overreact?

Balance in All things? )

achievement: mounts, faces in palms

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Comments 23

autographedcat July 11 2011, 15:03:39 UTC
I should be free up over the next week or so to do some runs with you guys on ER.


eloren July 11 2011, 20:34:27 UTC
We'll be around. Maybe rated BGs tonight, so I dunno, they might or might not let me back in after the disaster in EoTS last week :-)


e_mily July 11 2011, 15:11:46 UTC

Boo for shitty other groups.

If it helps, I don't believe in checking mana for anybody except the healer. If you're a DPS that needs mana, you learn to manage on the go. This is how I play, this is how I learned and how I was treated and how I'm ALWAYS treated when I'm not the tank. I DO try and make sure everybody has mana before a boss, but honestly if the healer has mana and you accidentally miss that one of the DPS is drinking and everybody is almost full anyway...

It's an honest mistake, it happens.

Considering they were stupid first, QQ moar my little mage friend. Tanks gotta stick together.


nat_catastrophe July 11 2011, 16:53:07 UTC
If you're a DPS that needs mana, you learn to manage on the go.

This. So much this. Mages, especially arcane, who are the ones who need their mana bar as full as possible anyway, have about a million ways to get mana back... evocate, mana gems, mage armor (especially glyphed), so idk what his issue was. Stupid, I'd guess, because whenever I tank, or dps even, and anyone but the healer asks to wait for mana? "Sit down, drink, catch up." Healer needs mana to keep the tank alive... but if DPS needs mana? OH GODS NO, THE MOB MIGHT DIE IN 20 SECONDS INSTEAD OF 15. THE HORROR!

Bah, sorry for rant. Pet peeve of mine, the entitled DPS is.


e_mily July 11 2011, 17:48:11 UTC
They really are, aren't they.


eloren July 11 2011, 20:36:58 UTC
INORITE? I erred, but I obviously didn't realize the magnitude of my failitude!


troll_huntress July 11 2011, 15:12:21 UTC
I've had a couple unfortunate pugs, but for the most part I've been able to get my VP without too much issue. There was one really heartbreaking one that I pretty much think was a problem with the healer, where we were able to get through everything but the damage on the jin'do encounter was just too much for him. We had decent DPS and we kept getting the first two chains down so I kept trying, but no, everyone would just fall over dead.

I think the trick, as a raider going for VP, is sadly to be kind of flighty about groups. If the healer just... doesn't cast healing spells and the tank's health just kind of drops until it's gone, well, wish them GL and drop group. The sooner you can distinguish the groups that clear from the groups that can't, the better off you are.


eloren July 11 2011, 20:38:02 UTC
Most of the normals go just fine, so this was just an extra special experience :-)


suaine July 11 2011, 15:21:01 UTC
That trash pack before the cat lady really is a bit unfortunate. Definitely cc one of the whirly guys, or two if you have enough cc to spare. It can be great fun, if you have a shadow priest, to mind control one of them and wreak havoc on the group, but it can also cause a bit of chaos, so I wouldn't suggest trying it in a PUG ;)

As for those two poison dudes in front of Venoxis, did you re-apply your cauldron debuff? Those lizards tend to take it off you without noticing and that damage is hard to mitigate any other way.


eloren July 11 2011, 20:39:07 UTC
I think the problem was the lock, who was trying to CC the priest, kept facepulling the group. Being as that priest *is* in the way back, he's a tricky one to get under wraps.


suaine July 11 2011, 20:40:40 UTC
And, well, if it was the lock and they were trying to cc with fear? Still pulls, unlike pretty much all other cc abilities now.


eloren July 12 2011, 19:28:07 UTC
I think it was just that, actually.


higeki_kiseki July 11 2011, 15:32:35 UTC
Firstly, congrats on the bear! I haven't been able to rescue the last troll so far. On another note, I've been afraid to tank the Zandalari-instances for the longest time, too - but this weekend I did little besides when I was online. There are good and not-so-good and pretty bad and pretty awesome groups, just like in normal heroics. Don't be afraid, you'll make it! I could do it, so you can, too! :)

I'm glad you didn't get killed when those - sorry - asses dropped group. Seriously, what was their problem? I could understand that you get angry when the tank pulls while you're at, say, 30% mana or something because you might not last through the fight. But 80% or above? Just ridiculous. Even more so because you didn't have any difficulty downing the boss.


eloren July 11 2011, 20:40:48 UTC
I was wondering if I'd blundered into some pull etiquette error, but my standard has normally been: Group is at full health, healer is at full manna, everyone else looks decent...pull! I am glad it wasn't just me, at least.


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