No, it's not the start of a bar joke. At level 85, the lower dungeons and raids are even easier to do than before. My friend and I have been doing Kara with our hunters (my friend can almost solo the chess event!) So last night we were in Netherstorm to try for something in heroic Mechanar that she wanted for a RP set, and I said "Let's pop into
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Comments 23
I've solo'd BT trash on a shadow priest in heroic dungeon gear. Haven't tried anything else since I've gotten a good chunk of raid gear. xD
2-manning Kael'thas for the mount every week with my boyfriend. (I'm a heroic-geared feral tank druid, he's a very epically raidgeared resto/ele shaman.) No luck so far. ¬_¬
We also 2-man Onyxia 10 (also for the mount), although that's gotten put on the backburner because there isn't enough time in the world for all we want to do!
We've also 2-manned the entirety of Hyjal (the boyfriend needed a quest drop from Rage Winterchill, once we'd killed him we figured what the hell, let's do the rest as well), SSC (with the exception of Lady Vashj - we tried, but encounter mechanics mean phase 2 = ugh).
We might end up going to Black Temple next and seeing how far we can get...
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He never MCs the tank. So with one tank + one healer the only one getting MCd is the healer, at which point I just break him out using the dagger.
(I made a post on my weblog with strategy details on two-manning Kael'thas when we managed it for the first time, if you're curious.)
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We tried to 8-man Sunwell the other night but the instance kept glitching out because we didn't have enough people :(
Right now I'm running both regular & heroic MGT for the pet & mount (respectively)*. I'm planning on heading to Outland soon to get the rest of the heroic dungeon achievements I need (and to start farming for Raven Lord).
(Though, as a blood elf, Kael'thas has dropped some great RP gear for me. Scarlet Sin'dorei Robes FTW.)
Once I quest out of Northrend & get some better Cata gear, I want to give the Icecrown dungeons a go. After clearing the Pinnacle last night, all I've got left are the Halls in Storm Peaks & the IC dungeons (and the Oculus & CoS, forgot about them :X) and then I'll have soloed every dungeon in the game-- with the obvious exception of the Cata ones. I'll get to them in the next expansion. :|
My Big!Paladin on the other hand, has been farming Magtheridon with a friend for tasty gold, and I'm hoping to kidnap someone to come with me to do Gruul's Lair. Hammer of the Naaru. Want. So. Hard. ;~;
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