{Apologies if this is in the wrong place or something; I didn't notice a blizzcon master post or anything, but if I'm in the wrong, please delete this accordingly.}
So, the lore panel has concluded, and some interesting things have been revealed...
Here's the link to a transcript of the panel:
http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/10/22/blizzcon-2010-quests-and-lore-panel-liveblog/#continued As usual, people couldn't resist asking about legendary weapons and the like, but some good questions were asked as well.
I'm a dragon-nerd, so I was glad to see that they're not done with the infinite dragonflight. I was even more excited to see that they have no plans to kill Alexstrasza yet (I mean COME ON, why would you do that??), but that she and the other aspects may be integral in the deathwing fight. Kalecgos is going to be the new aspect of magic (NO ONE saw this coming... I voted for Azuregos myself). We also get a bit of mention that the demon soul and/or the netherwing flight may be getting involved (Yay!).
Someone asked about thrall/jaina! Alas, I fear "The Shattering" may have sunken that ship, but I for one still hold out hope :/ Metzen apparently lol'd at the question, which makes me giggle. Perhaps he's unaware of the shipping ;)"WHAT happens to men jaina dates??"
I for one hope Rag one-shots one of his lackeys again.
"Bolvar's sacrifice was pretty bitchin'." (He said this, according to the yogscast guys)
Sounds like Thrall's gonna be the MVP this expansion, which I'm kind of ok with. Garrosh as warchief... well, I won't get on that soapbox, but if it means that Thrall gets more awesome lore, then I'm ok with it to some extent.
What do you guys think?