So I've been thinking. I heal pretty naturally. It doesn't really freak me out much, except if something like... my internet crashes in the middle of a bossfight, or if we magically pull an extra mob from out of nowhere
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Interesting perspective, though. I personally have not queued as a tank (and I have two lowbie prot pallies, one 21, and the other 52). I just can't get up the courage to go into a dungeon without experience. I don't know! Maybe I'm just being a wimp. I worry that I'll either turn all ANGREE RAEG on people for sucking, or that I'll be the worst tank in the history of tanks. Also, when I queue as DPS on my druid kitty? I keep staring at the health bars! This would make me a horrible tank, because I'd want to heal. I don't know that I trust my health to anyone but me! Ahaha.
I'm curious to see what responses you get, though. :D
When I rolled my pally girl a couple years ago I created her specifically as a character to blow off steam with. After a stressful day at the office I'd grab her and go find some baddies that were a few levels higher than her and just wail away until I felt better about the day. Most times I'd win, sometimes not. But winning or losing wasn't the point. All I wanted to do was smash things and vent my rage on pixels instead of taking it out on my loved ones irl. That ret pally girl saved my sanity most nights. I miss her, but she'll have a baby sister soon.:)
Learning to tank can be stressful, since it feels like everyone is depending on you to push all the buttons at all the perfect times or everyone DIES zomg.
In reality, it's not the end of the world if you make a mistake, especially at level 20. Low level dungeons are more for 5 characters getting through an instance, not necessarily tank + heals + 3 dps. Of course, the mage can't tank, but other than that, you really don't have to be a perfect tank. Just let your healre stop for mana often.
My paladin was ret until 80 (which I just hit the other day), and then I dual-spec'd prot for PvE and holy for PvP.
Let me tell you, my husband had a real time trying to calm me down for the first day of tanking. I'm glad that it was him healing me and not anyone else - it made it slightly less stressful. It probably doesn't help that I jumped right into heroics as soon as I had the defense for it, haha. Trying to keep hate off of a warlock in full tier 10 and pulling 6k DPS isn't so easy for a tank who has been 80 for less than a day. (But no one died, thankfully!)
As I learn the tricks and get better gear for it though, it gets easier and easier to deal with. The stress goes away, I promise.
And I say this as someone who was practically shaking and crying about it just two days ago.
I have been that overgeared healer in normal randoms. I keep an eye on my threat bar. When my threat gets high, I change to dps, what little I can do as heals.
I have a n00b DK tank, and I like to think I'm fairly good - not awesome, I need more experience and practice to get to that point, but passable. I'm a jittery tank, but I enjoy the change (my main of 3 years is a hunter), my guild needs a reliable off-tank for our 10-mans, and I like the challenge of the role. This all keeps me motivated to keep working and learning, even if random LFD still makes me jumpy
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DK tanking looks sooo fun. My husband just hit 80 on his DK and watching him tank instances while leveling always made me a bit jealous. Death and decay is delicious.
DK tanking is incredibly fun and I love it. If you're interested in playing one, it's well worth taking the time to level and learn one. And yes, D&D is great fun and makes the mobs hate you a lot - I refer to it as my circle of hurty. ;)
I am unspeakably sad that frost tanking is going away in Cataclysm because it means I have to relearn both of my specs - I currently tank as frost and dps as blood, and it'll be just the opposite when that change goes live!
I'm working on getting enough gold together to dual-spec my DK into tanking since half the time I end up doing it anyway (mostly leveling through LFD). It makes me sad also that frost tanking is going away. I love the frost tree for some reason and have a frost DPS spec. I tried blood as DPS and couldn't get into it.
Just every time I fill in for a randomly dropped tank (seriously, most of the time they just disappear even when things are going super smoothly), it makes me nervous when I get voted to play fill in until we get another one and I'm usually shaking and jumpy at first but I'll eventually settle into a good rhythm after a bit.
Comments 28
Interesting perspective, though. I personally have not queued as a tank (and I have two lowbie prot pallies, one 21, and the other 52). I just can't get up the courage to go into a dungeon without experience. I don't know! Maybe I'm just being a wimp. I worry that I'll either turn all ANGREE RAEG on people for sucking, or that I'll be the worst tank in the history of tanks. Also, when I queue as DPS on my druid kitty? I keep staring at the health bars! This would make me a horrible tank, because I'd want to heal. I don't know that I trust my health to anyone but me! Ahaha.
I'm curious to see what responses you get, though. :D
In reality, it's not the end of the world if you make a mistake, especially at level 20. Low level dungeons are more for 5 characters getting through an instance, not necessarily tank + heals + 3 dps. Of course, the mage can't tank, but other than that, you really don't have to be a perfect tank. Just let your healre stop for mana often.
Let me tell you, my husband had a real time trying to calm me down for the first day of tanking. I'm glad that it was him healing me and not anyone else - it made it slightly less stressful. It probably doesn't help that I jumped right into heroics as soon as I had the defense for it, haha. Trying to keep hate off of a warlock in full tier 10 and pulling 6k DPS isn't so easy for a tank who has been 80 for less than a day. (But no one died, thankfully!)
As I learn the tricks and get better gear for it though, it gets easier and easier to deal with. The stress goes away, I promise.
And I say this as someone who was practically shaking and crying about it just two days ago.
When my threat gets high, I change to dps, what little I can do as heals.
I am unspeakably sad that frost tanking is going away in Cataclysm because it means I have to relearn both of my specs - I currently tank as frost and dps as blood, and it'll be just the opposite when that change goes live!
Just every time I fill in for a randomly dropped tank (seriously, most of the time they just disappear even when things are going super smoothly), it makes me nervous when I get voted to play fill in until we get another one and I'm usually shaking and jumpy at first but I'll eventually settle into a good rhythm after a bit.
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