☀ 012

Dec 12, 2010 02:31

☀ action. [ Upon returning to Mayfield, most people announce their return via the phone lines immediately. Unfortunately, Florence is not particularly normal. Snow isn't something she sees terribly often, and though returning to Mayfield amidst all the chaos back home isn't pleasant, the matter is pushed to the back of her mind for the moment to do ( Read more... )

action, ☀ napoleon, ☀ elizabeth, ☀ pamela ibis, ☀ shiki tohno, ic, ☀ sweden, ☀ hong kong, ☀ taiwan, ☀ april sinclair, ☀ sulpher, ☀ freud, ☀ england, voice

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Comments 401

A no_bullying December 12 2010, 08:54:57 UTC
[At least Florence didn't, you know, sled right through Pamela, because that would probably lead to many many nightmares forever.]

Oh, Florence~! You're back~!


worrywarting December 12 2010, 09:05:29 UTC
[The most beautiful kind of nightmares. Also, having a sled crash through a window is completely normal. Once she tries to shake the glass shards from her hair, she finally puts two and two together.]

Oh! Pamela?

[WHAT OTHER GHOST GIRLS DOES SHE KNOW. She would be giving her a hug right now, but the old ghost thing kinda maybe sorta gets in the way sometimes.]

I just came back today. Was I gone long?


no_bullying December 12 2010, 09:12:31 UTC
[Sledding through the window is perfectly normal, what are you talking about.]

Yes, yes, you were! I was sad, so sad, that you were gone... I think I cried a lot, too!

[Florence should obviously take this statement with a grain of salt. On the other hand... it's hard to tell with Pamela.]


worrywarting December 12 2010, 09:20:44 UTC
[ This is a very touching statement and she might cry but -


Oh, Pamela. But who are we kidding, Florence cries all the time. ]

I'm sorry, Pamela. You've been doing well, right?

[ Even if she can't really choose when to return home, but it's easy for her to feel extremely guilty. ]

But I'm back now, so we can still buy cute things together again!


D 1/2 hwamei December 12 2010, 10:08:53 UTC
[ BREAKING HIATUS AGAIN. JUST FOR THIS. Taiwan opens the front door to get her mail, but one furball manages to slip through the gap Taiwan's opened for herself and run out into the snow. The cat has one pink ribbon on its head, so she isn't that difficult to spot. ]

Kitty-chan, we're not finished yet!

[ And she scoops the cat up after giving chase. ]

Oi, oi, it's cold out-


D hwamei December 12 2010, 10:09:20 UTC
[ Wait a minute. W-what's this person doing on her yard... Taiwan approaches, looming right above Florence with her cat in her arms. ]

Um, good morning.


worrywarting December 12 2010, 17:38:48 UTC
[ MAKING PEOPLE BREAK HIATUS FOREVER. In typical Florence fashion, the first thing she notices is Kitty-chan ‐ said furball is hard to miss when there's a pink ribbon upon its head. Maybe if it fell into the snow it would be a completely different story, BUT I DIGRESS. ]


[ But that is definitely a person looming over her. ]

Good morning! Lovely weather, isn't it?

[ This is a completely non-awkward scenario what are you talking about. ]


hwamei December 12 2010, 22:42:06 UTC
If you like winter, I guess.

[ Kitty-chan meows. No, really, what are you doing on her lawn. ]

Look, your hair's covered in snow!

[ Taiwan extends her hand to Florence, hoping she'll take it. ]


C overrealm December 12 2010, 10:18:32 UTC
[... What is with you weird humans and your strange... tree-chopping... ways.]


worrywarting December 12 2010, 17:42:48 UTC
[ Don't hate, appreciate. A-also, is the cat in the tree...

I really hope the cat is not in the tree. ]


overrealm December 13 2010, 01:05:25 UTC
[H-he could be...

But no swordcat is too smart for that. He's judging you from the front porch.]


worrywarting December 13 2010, 01:12:58 UTC
[ Well good luck with that grumpy kitty because

that axe SOMEHOW slips out of her hands and is going to be sailing over toward the porch. ]


A! evers_hacker December 12 2010, 11:32:23 UTC
[OH MY GOD WHAT THE FU- Oh hey it's Florence! April was just chillin on the couch with her puppy when Florence comes crashing through the window. Cue excited red-head plus puppy.] Ah, Florence! You're back!


worrywarting December 12 2010, 17:46:07 UTC
[ SEE, the window doesn't even matter anymore. Florence stands, immediately making a beeline for the puppy. Puppy *u* ]

Yes, I'm fine. I should be okay. The window will be all right, won't it? [ Not that April even asked, but this is standard procedure okay. ]

Oh, but it's good to see you again! Have you been staying out of trouble? Are you all right? How is your knee? In perfect condition, I hope. And the town? How has the town been? [ And no, she won't ever stop fussing or asking questions. ]


evers_hacker December 12 2010, 18:05:09 UTC
Y-yeah, it'll repair itself. [And she holds the puppy out to Florence, a silent way of asking "Do you wanna hold her?"]

It's good to see you again too! [O-oh god all these question, okay one at a time.] Um, kinda. Yep. Mmhm, it hasn't hurt for weeks now, and the town hasn't done anything too horrible; for Thanksgiving we were given turkeys that acted weird, and could possibly harm in some cases. [Takes a breath.]


worrywarting December 12 2010, 18:09:25 UTC
Will it? [ s-sob taking the puppy ]

Turkeys that acted weird. [ W-what... ] Oh! I think I saw a horror film like that once. I'm not quite sure. It was all too frightening to watch, turkeys attacking people and blood everywhere...

But you've gotten a puppy, I see. [ Such a nice, subtle topic change. ]


generose December 12 2010, 12:38:06 UTC
Long enough.

( there's a pause on her end, only a moment before she speaks again; softer: ) I was starting to worry.


worrywarting December 12 2010, 17:47:39 UTC

[ well, that's certainly a familiar voice. she breathes a sigh of relief, even if it is rather unnerving that elizabeth is here. call it selfish, but she has to be thankful her best friend hasn't disappeared in her absence. ]

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry anyone.


generose December 12 2010, 22:50:48 UTC
It's okay, I'm just. . . ( glad? it seems like a terrible thing to say. to say that you're glad someone is back in this place. )

I just missed you, plus your drone is no fun to talk too.


worrywarting December 12 2010, 23:00:38 UTC
I understand. [ elizabeth doesn't even have to say it. it's likely the same feeling florence experienced when elizabeth returned from being droned after a few days. it's a guilty sort of relief, but relief all the same. ]

I hope you made sure my drone was kept in line. I don't want to find out that I have seven drone boyfriends somehow.


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