Title: "Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, Sam et Dean!!" ("Thank you very much for your help, Sam and Dean!!") Artist: petite_madame Country: France Type: Art Characters: Sam & Dean Rating: G Spoilers: None Warnings: None
It's absolutely adorable. I stared at this for ages, I just love all the ghosts floating up into the air and the beautiful view of Paris laid out from above. Amazing and fantastic <3 I love the moustache on the the ghost Sam is with and Dean looking like a kid of a sugar high is gorgeous, hehe <3
There were so many little Caspers that I couldn't remember at the end what ghost was on what Photoshop layer. I was completely lost ^^;; Oh, you noticed the little ghost with the mustache too! ^^ I thought that nobody would noticed him with all these details around him ^^ He should have worn a beret but I thought it would be a bit too much ^^ Thank you so much for your kind words Becc ♥
Comments 12
I love the moustache on the the ghost Sam is with and Dean looking like a kid of a sugar high is gorgeous, hehe <3
Oh, you noticed the little ghost with the mustache too! ^^ I thought that nobody would noticed him with all these details around him ^^ He should have worn a beret but I thought it would be a bit too much ^^
Thank you so much for your kind words Becc ♥
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