Battle of the Sexes Tournament - May 31st
The seventh annual Female Gamer Appreciation Month has been a huge hit as always. As May comes to a close, our celebration of the fairer gamer will culminate on Sunday with the Battle of the Sexes Tournament. This is our second year doing this exciting tournament. It is an all day event running from opening at 10 AM and lasting through 10 PM that night. Every game played in the store can count for the tournament.
Scoring is simple. At the end of each game, each player earns points for their team equal to the number of players of the other team that they bested plus one times one point per quarter hour spent playing the game. Thus, this time, the more players that a team has the more of an advantage they will have, so make sure to bring everyone you can!
Last year's Tournament was a tie. This year, let's have a clear winner!
Board Game League
For a while now, Worlds Apart has been running a series of Magic Leagues which have been very popular. They have been so well appreciated that the board gamers desire a league of their own, and, starting June 21st, they shall have it!
The rules of the league are modeled on the rules of the Battle of the Sexes Tournament. Anyone can sign up for the league for free. Any qualified game is worth a number of points equal to the number of players you beat plus one times one point per quarter hour the game takes.
To make sure there is diversity, you cannot play the same game twice in the same day for points, nor can you play with the exact same group of people during the same day.
Additionally, to encourage a great variety of games, you will get a bonus of three points for each different game you play during the the league.
The league will run from June 21st to July 26th. Prizes will be provided to the winner. For more details and official rules, come by the store in about a week when I get around to writing them up and posting them.
Taste of Amherst - June 18-21
Worlds Apart is proud to be a part of
the 18th Annual Taste of Amherst, running on the Amherst Town Common June 18th to 21st. While games are very tasty, Worlds Apart is not a restaurant, so we will not be vending at the Taste. Rather, we will have the wonderful opportunity to set up a tent where we will demo all kinds of quick and easy to learn games to help the people of Amherst develop a healthy appreciation for games. They will have so much fun that they will then head over to the store and try some more involved games.
We need your help to make this endeavor a success. We need outgoing people willing to play games like Bananagrams, Fluxx, Set, and Rock with people at the Taste. The more people we have under the tent, the more people we can introduce to the awesomeness that is gaming. We also need people to hang out at the store and play games with those who wander by during the Taste.
In other words, we need you to come to Amherst and play games as much as you can during the four days of the Taste. Who said helping out the community was difficult?
If you are interested in helping out for any part of the weekend, please email Michael at
Trivia Contest
After the Taste ends at 4:00 on Sunday, we'll be bringing everyone back to the store for an evening of games and good times.
At 6:00 PM, Mel Gavazzi is organizing a geek trivia contest including questions on media, geek lit, culture, and, of course, games. Prizes will be provided to the winner as a token of our appreciation of their trivial brilliance. Entry to the contest is free.
Security Overnight Gaming
At the end of the Taste, we have a really cool opportunity which I think you all will appreciate. We have the chance to game on the Amherst Town Common all night long!
The Amherst Chamber Commerce has asked us for our assistance in a way in which we are uniquely qualified. After the Taste is over, they need someone to stay awake on the Common keep an eye on things on Sunday night to make sure that no one tries to make off with a tent or soda cooler.
Thus, we will game all night on the Common to keep the Taste equipment safe until morning. We are still working on exactly what we will play, but there are definitely plans for a game of Arkham Horror as well as a fatigue-fueled dimension-hopping RPG.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Michael at