How (prompts): Email wf.contests (at) with up to three (3) fic prompts and up to two (2) art prompts. Please email with your requests in the following format:
Name: Your lj-name
Type: Fic or art
Prompt: What sort of story or art you would like to get. If you want the story/art to be set in a specific continuity (movieverse, toonverse, etc.) you should mention that here. If you are going to request art based on a story, please include a link to the story (and/or the relevant quote).
Rating: What level range of story are you looking for? General (G), Implicit (PG), Soft-core (R), Hard-core (NC-17). You can give a range of options, like “Anything up to and including Soft-core” or “R or higher” or “any.” Remember that this is just a guideline.
Request anonymity: Yes/No. All prompts will be posted anonymously but, when claimed, the person claiming the prompt may ask to know who made the request. If you don’t want that to happen, request anonymity. If you want them to know or don’t care one way or the other, don’t.
When (prompts): I will be accepting prompts from now until November 17. I will post the prompts and start accepting claims on November 19. *late prompts will likely be accepted, but obviously have a lower chance of being claimed.
How (claims): Email wf.contests (at) with your claims. I will reply as quickly as possible letting you know if the stories or art prompts you want to claim are still open. Write the story (of at least 100 words) or create the art. Use the following format:
Name: Your lj-name
Claims: The numbers of the claims you want.
Request Identity: Yes/No. All prompts are posted with anonymity, but if you would like to know who
you are creating stories or art for, you can always ask. If the prompter did not request anonymity, I will include that information for successful claims.
When (claims): Post on your lj some time after December 1 and before December 31. Post a link to the story (or the whole story itself) on World’s Finest. I will keep a running tab of all fulfilled claims and post a master list of completed stories and art.
Why: Because it’s fun!.. and the season... and all that. And, because I have a crack team of writers at my disposal, I can pretty much guarantee everyone that makes three story claims will get at least one completed story (though it might take until the middle of January).
- Q: Do the prompts or completed works have to be slash?
- A: No. The connectio n between Superman and Batman should be central to the story
or art, but the connection need not be sexual or romantic. Friend fic, Fight fic, Slashy fic, Slash fic, or whatever can be requested. (That doesn’t guarantee that anyone will pick up those prompts, of course).
- Q: Will there be prizes?
- A: Sort of. Maybe. More details later.
- Q: How can I help?
- A: Easy! Submit prompts. Later, claim prompts! Oh, and pimp the exchange to your friends, etc. I have included a few smaller images for that purpose.
- Q: Do I have to do both? That is, if I submit a prompt, do I have to create a story or art? Or, if I want to write or draw to a prompt, do I have to submit my own prompts.
- A: No. Not at all. We are trying to do this as low pressure/high enjoyment as possible.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
Cut and paste forms for your convenience.
For prompts:
Request anonymity: Yes/No.