Nominations for the World’s Finest Awards 2009 are now open!
1. Only stories/artwork focussing on the relationship between Superman (Clark Kent) and Batman (Bruce Wayne) will be accepted for nomination. However, the relationship portrayed does not have to be romantic.
2. Only stories/artwork created or significantly edited during 2009 will be accepted for nomination. (The first public posting date of a story/artwork should be used as the initial indicator of its eligibility.)
3. You can nominate as many stories/pieces of artwork as you like.
4. You can nominate your own stories/artwork as well as those of other authors/artists.
5. Each story/piece of artwork can compete in a maximum of 3 categories.
6. Each category must have a minimum of 2 nominations to go ahead. (Categories must have at least 3 nominations to support both a winner and a runner-up title.)
7. Categories with only one nomination will be merged into the next suitable category whenever possible. Likewise, a new category will be created for categories which have a lot of nominations that can easily be split off into a sub-catergory. For example, at least three colour and three monochrome nominations in the Story Illustration category will mean that category will be split into Story Illustration (Colour) and Story Illustration (Monochrome). (Authors/artists will be consulted where appropriate.)
8. An author/artist will not be allowed to compete against themselves in any category. If an author/artist has more than one story/artwork nominated in the same category, that author/artist must choose which nomination will appear in the poll for that category.
Fiction: Length
Drabble, Short - up to 100 words
Drabble, Medium - 101 to 250 words
Drabble, Long - 251 to 500 words
Ficlet, Short - 501 to 1,000 words
Ficlet, Long - 1,001 to 2,000 words
Short Story - 2,001 to 5,000 words
Medium Story - 5,001 to 15,000 words
Long Story - 15,001 to 25,000 words
Novella/Novel - over 25,000 words
Fiction: Genre
Action/Adventure - Stories with a plot that involves action and/or adventure
AU - Stories that the author describes as being set in an alternate universe
Dark/Death - Stories that involve dark themes, possibly including character death
Drama/Angst, Short - Stories with a plot that involves character conflicts and are
shorter than 6,000 words
Drama/Angst, Long - Stories with a plot that involves character conflicts and are longer than 6,000 words
Fluff, Short - Stories that have light, slice-of-life type scenes and are shorter than 800 words
Fluff, Long - Stories that have light, slice-of-life type scenes and are longer than 800 words
Humour - Stories designed to be funny
Hurt/Comfort - Stories with a plot resulting in hurt and then comfort for the characters
PWP - Stories light on plot but heavy on sex scenes
Romance, Short - Stories with a plot that involves the romantic relationship between the main pairing(s) in a key role and are shorter than 3,000 words
Romance, Long - Stories with a plot that involves the romantic relationship between the main pairing(s) in a key role and are longer than 3,000 words
WIP - Unfinished stories that were updated in 2009 and are still not finished before the voting
Note: Any length of story can compete in any genre category if their content qualifies. However, stories already nominated in a length category can only compete in a maximum of two genre categories. If a story has not been nominated in a length category, it can compete in a maximum of three genre categories.
Chibi - Artwork portraying the characters in a chibi style
Comic Strip - Artwork in the form of a comic strip
Graphic/Manip - Artwork manipulated from original sources to make a new piece of work
Kissing Scene - Artwork portraying the characters in a kissing scene
Monochrome - Artwork portraying the characters in a single colour or black and white
Original Art - Artwork portraying the characters in an original scene
Story Illustration - Artwork portraying the characters in a scene from a story
Sexy Scene - Artwork portraying the characters in a scene with nudity/sex
Note: Graphics/Manips can compete in the Kissing Scene and Sexy Scene categories as well as the Graphic/Manip category if their content qualifies. Artwork created by hand from scratch in any medium, whether on paper or on computer or anything in between, can compete in all art categories except the Graphic/Manip category (up to a maximum of three categories total) if their content qualifies.
Nominations Procedure
1. Choose the stories/artwork you’d like to nominate for any category.
2. Find valid links for the stories/artwork.
3. Send the above information to in an email set out like this:
Category you’d like to nominate in
Name of Author/Artist, Title of Story/Artwork
Link to Work
For example, if you wanted to nominate All Alone In The Haunted House by Cycnus39 in the Chibi category, your email would look like this:
Cycnus39, All Alone In The Haunted House The subject line of your email should be ‘Nominations: Art’ or ‘Nominations: Story’.
You can nominate as many pieces of art in your email entitled ‘Nominations: Art’ as you like and you can likewise nominate as many stories as you like in your email entitled ‘Nominations: Story’.
It would be helpful if you could collect all your art nominations into one art email and all your story nominations into one story email.
Note: Since anyone can nominate anyone else, including themselves, there is no need to indenify yourself in the emails you send. Anonymous nominations are very welcome.
Please comment with any questions or suggestions below or send an email with the subject line ‘Questions/Suggestions’ to