Fic: Pink and Black | Superman Returns/Batman Begins | 1/1 | PG-13

Jan 06, 2008 21:35

Title: Pink and Black
Fandom: DCU - Superman Returns/Batman Begins
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,611
Prompt: Pink Kryptonite (for dcu_freeforall)
Summary: Bruce deals with the consequences of a seriously altered Clark after he's exposed to pink kryptonite. Nails get painted. Words are exchanged. Tears are shed.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit. 'Cuz if I did, Clark and Bruce would be making out in every issue of Superman/Batman.
Author's Notes: This plot bunny grew out of this hilarious and oh-so-wrong pic, by samibee, and it wouldn't let me go until it was written. Originally, Clark and Bruce were supposed to go clubbing, but somehow the muses decided they wanted H/C. Maybe a sequel will be in order. :p Oh! Also testing out a new subject line format.

Will be crossposted to both worlds_finest and dcu_freeforall.

fanfic: movieverse, fanfic: fanart

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