Title: Make it Official
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Genre/Rating: Humour // U
Characters/Pairings: Gon/Killua, Killua's mum
Summary: Killua remembers his mother's love lectures.
Notes: Written for
31_days 29/07 - 'Love is'. Hunter x Hunter is the property of Yoshihiro Togashi.
It's 108 words long... Make it Official
“Don’t fall in love if you can help it,” Killua’s mother had told him a long time ago. “It’ll get in the way of your work. And if you’re going to do it, make sure it’s with a capable girl who can look after herself. I don’t want you marrying some wimpy housewife.”
Basically, his mother wanted him to marry someone exactly like herself, which was a tad creepy if you thought about it too much. Just as well he and Gon were going to make things official in a week. He was looking forward to seeing his mother’s face at the ceremony (she was invited, after all).