ITEM! according my receipt, i was served today in the putney somerfield by STALIN - and i didn't even notice!
ITEM! as well as today being the 6th anniversary of england beating germany 5-1 in munich, it's also six years to the day since we got our beloved pusses, enzo & lulu - tho it's hard to believe they were ever as small as this:
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Comments 32
Also, I'm about to grab the box-set with Keeper of Traken / Logopolis / Castrovalva, which will make me happy, as Castrovalva was the first one I watched from beginning to end.
"ITEM! watched & enjoyed the keeper of traken dr who episode recently - the odd thing was i didn't find adric at all annoying - when it was just him & tom baker, i thort they made quite a goob double act - felt sorry for poor ole tremas as the end ( v.well acted by anthony "blood on satan's claw" ainley ) - chan i dunno what anyone sees in nyssa tho - tegan = abt a hundred times better imo ( - iirc she turns up in the very next episode - which i hope to be viewing soon... )"
i'd obv be interested in hearing ( i mean reading ) yr thoughts on 'em once you've watched 'em
- i do like peter davison's dr who but gastrovalva didn't push the right buttons w/me for some reason - as well as the rest of the key to time - i've also got time flight & arc of infinity to watch - so i might well gomment on them idc ( - i've also gotta make time for a golin baker joint )
I'm planning to get mine from Asda as apparently they're selling them for £49.93 which is a bit more affordable than the whopping £70 HMV and the likes are charging - although I might feel a bit guilty since being owned by the wallmart company they'll probably spend the £49.93 on a new whip for their George sweatshops...
in an ideal world ( one where i've won the lottery ), i'd like to have all the r.2 extras for a rainy day - but to be honest i very rarely get round to watching any dvd extras or listening to the gommentaries - there are so many dvds out there - & so little time
- it looks like asda are even a few quid cheaper than for the new r.2 boxset, which = quite impressive/surprising
i'll never forget carrying them home in a cardboard box lined w/tea towels - poor little frightened things - it was all a bit of a whirl - we saw the card in the newsagents window - phoned up - & an hour later we had two new fambly members
gotta go feed 'em now
Someone alludes to Xavier's time spent with Lilandra but her appearance on the cover is the only other time that it comes up. I notice they chose to forget Medusa chasing Reed quite consistently - including joining the FF whilst Sue was off with Namor in the early 70s.
I enjoyed how clumsy Tony Stark was ...had he had one or two drinkies perhaps? Whitney Frost is like a London bus - no sign of her for ages then she turns up in 2 Avengers titles at once!
imo, medusa would make a goob g/f for reed - tho i wonder what black bolt wld "say" abt it ( - i'm not sure if gomics "written" by gerry gonway gount towards gontinuity these days )
bendis seems to think ( i mean write ) more abt superheroes having sex than yr average scripter - hawkeye going on abt fancying madame hydra - & the wasp worrying that she's pregnant by clint - both in bendis's first issue of the avengers, iirc
"whitney frost is like a London bus" = a goob phrase to take out of gontext & use against you at a future date
ps. i make you right re: illuminati - might be worth picking up the tpb if you spot it in yr library, tho
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