Aug 16, 2010 17:50

[Since I'm such a big fan of these types of posts (and honestly I need these things to happen in game), let's look in on our favourite Mister Sinclair while he goes through his day ( Read more... )

puppies!, this is why he hates video, +eway, damndamndamnthatbhamba damn him, gdi i'm not a tv show, +video, hiding from the truth (literally), i don't smell like adam do you?, +audio, damn that lamb, goddamnthismansion, +action, no matter what they said? not my fault

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Comments 114

angel_junk August 17 2010, 00:03:42 UTC
[ This response will take a while.

After Sinclair's threat during Bhamba's happy dissection hour he doesn't consider himself on good terms with his Augie anymore, so talking to him is not very high on his list of priorities. ]

And what trade would that be?


[audio//locked] worldentire August 17 2010, 00:26:10 UTC
An empty syringe for a filled one. Simple as that.


[FOREVER VIDEO//LOCKED] angel_junk August 17 2010, 00:48:56 UTC
[ *chuckle* ]


[audio//locked] worldentire August 17 2010, 00:51:01 UTC
Can't say it's easy t'go around lookin' for certain pieces'a experiments when no one'll fund it.

[A pause.]

'Course, I'd need your word this stays between us.


[VIDEO AT NOON] echo_of_utopia August 17 2010, 00:27:11 UTC
I take it the nausea has passed?


[oblivious, chicken-munching video] worldentire August 17 2010, 00:44:32 UTC

[Raising an eyebrow, he continues paging through whatever he's paging through, tapping the keys insistently.]

Everythin's gone just like you said it would. Can't say this isn't surprisin', but I appreciate it.


[Hungry video that didn't get around to having lunch yet] echo_of_utopia August 17 2010, 21:08:14 UTC


Delta seems to have taken an interest in my death... or rather your involvement in it.

I attempted to dissuade him from his investigation, but I fear I may not have been particularly successful.

I thought you ought to know.


[mmm this lunch is so tasty, says the PRIVATE//UNHACKABLE video] worldentire August 17 2010, 21:31:13 UTC
... I know. I tried t'get him off my path but it seems like he's dead-set on findin' me.

... Seems Bhamba's got some goddamn recordin' device with more than obvious evidence on it, but I can't seem t'persuade him t'part with it.

[quietly] I'm almost curious t'see what would come of it. Almost.


kindly_done August 17 2010, 03:44:30 UTC
Mister Sinclair, what's a nerd?


worldentire August 17 2010, 04:08:32 UTC
...'Scuse me?


kindly_done August 17 2010, 04:11:56 UTC
A nerd. I asked the person who said it, and she said if I didn't know, I probably was one.

[Jack has been verbally defeated by a high schooler and doesn't even know it; he is three years old, and what is this?]


worldentire August 17 2010, 04:16:04 UTC

Well, where I come from, it means you were too busy readin' books'n bein' wrapped in your own world t'notice what's goin' on. [A beat.] ... Not really someone who does a lot of sports. ...Or talks t'girls. [Another, much longer beat.] ..... It's not a necessarily nice thing t'call someone.


[sort of locked; audio] playingbadcop August 17 2010, 03:49:28 UTC
Sinclair, I gotta talk to ya about somethin'.


[locked? XD//audio] worldentire August 17 2010, 04:09:04 UTC

[He sounds somewhat terse.]

..And what'd that be, detective?


[locked-ish audio] playingbadcop August 17 2010, 04:15:43 UTC
I'd rather do it in person. [He'd prefer if as few people as possible knew he was spliced.]


[semi-locked audio] worldentire August 17 2010, 04:17:36 UTC

[A slight, far-away-from-the-mic sort of sigh.]

...Alright, c'mon down. Hope you don't mind dogs.


[ audio ] mississippikiss August 18 2010, 04:06:23 UTC
Serendipity. Ya' busy now?


[audio] worldentire August 19 2010, 04:19:04 UTC
Not at all. Come on down, little lady, let's see if we can get this t'work.


[ action ] mississippikiss August 19 2010, 04:59:37 UTC
[ Rogue paused at the door, wondering if she should knock. After all, she'd been invited, but... she supposed it was the polite thing to do anyway. She tugged subconsciously at the hem of her gloves, then sighed and tapped sharply to signal her arrival.

Whatever happened now couldn't possibly be as bad as the first time. It was hard to reassure herself of that, especially with the memory of those plasmids lining Sinclair's walls. The size of the syringes alone made her cringe. ]


[actionnnnn] worldentire August 19 2010, 15:47:50 UTC
[Opening the door, he smiles at her, a smooth but somehow somewhat reassuring smile. Mostly he's just trying not to cringe.]

Well, hello again. C'mon in, don't mind the dogs.

[The dogs, by the way, are tripping over themselves trying to get over to Rogue. Last time she was around she wasn't able for love, so now they're trying to make that up. Once they get close to her, however, they seem to get subdued.]

Just take a seat on the bed; this won't take a second.


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