Jul 05, 2010 11:53

[Sinclair knows exactly what's going on around the mansion, after watching the feeds, so he's gone and hidden himself somewhere in the mansion. His audio is on, but he's not saying anything - he can be heard walking, and on occasion smoking, but beyond that he's trying his best not to be found ( Read more... )

holy crap he left his room, +eway, hiding from the truth (literally), +audio, +event, never have i ever stopped smoking, goddamnthismansion, that sinclair sure is sneaky

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Comments 69

[ACTION] echo_of_utopia July 5 2010, 18:27:30 UTC
[Lamb has an unpleasant hunch about what is going on in the mansion. She had originally planned on paying somebody a visit; a necessary visit, yet one she wasn't looking forward to at all. She got ready to leave, yet checking her face in the mirror realised that she wasn't smiling pleasantly, no... she was looking like somebody who wasn't looking forward to paying somebody a visit at all.

After watching some of the mansion's feeds she can't quite determine the full scale of this event, but it's enough to make her decide that now would be a good time to become temporarily unavailable.

She's carrying a few notes and books and is looking for a place to hide in order not to become an open book herself.

A few staircases later she finds an empty-looking room that looks appealing. She enters and closes the door with a sigh of relief-

-only to have that sigh turn into a shriek when she realises that the room is not empty at all.]


[action] worldentire July 5 2010, 19:40:05 UTC
...Y'don't have t'yell. [He glares at her from the seat he's in, having sat to take a breather. He starts to stand, uneasily. He'd only been there for a few minutes, damnit. What are the chances.]


[ACTION] echo_of_utopia July 5 2010, 19:57:13 UTC
Quite the contrary, Sinclair, I assume the only reason we are both here is because I do, in fact, have no choice but to yell.

[That covers the hiding part, anyway. As for why they both ended up picking the same room, well, the mansion is quite obviously a huge arse.]


[action] worldentire July 6 2010, 18:39:21 UTC
[He snorts.] Poetic n'all, but I can't say I agree. [No, really. He can't.

He walks by her and he doesn't even bother making an effort to hide his glare, not that he looks at her. It's very pointedly set forward.]

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm goin' t'find a corner'a the mansion that's a little more bearable.


[Oh Mister Wilson~] skater_lynx July 5 2010, 20:06:31 UTC
Hey SINCLAIR! What are you doing? Why did you leave your device on?

This is a great time to harass everyone. I'm so bored and pissed off.


[/snerk!] worldentire July 6 2010, 18:33:59 UTC
[He grimaces.]

I left it on t'listen t'what's goin' on around the mansion. [He sounds annoyed as all hell. Damn this event.]


skater_lynx July 6 2010, 18:38:52 UTC
Come back inside this is great Everyone who has something to hide can't~ I've already given up all my secrets. A little honesty is funny from this side of the coin.

I bet you have lots of things to hide don't you~


worldentire July 6 2010, 18:44:55 UTC
I beg t'differ, son. I don't need the mansion forcin' me t'bare all my dirty laundry beyond my control. [He pauses.] I prefer t'live the rest'a my afterlife as who I choose t'be, and I'll have none'a this event bullshit tarnishin' that for me. [gdi mansion.]

Maybe. [Hey, it's not a lie! He's good at gray areas, lucky for him - not that it'll help, once more serious, black-and-white questions start coming.]


jesusing_clown July 7 2010, 10:22:55 UTC
[Hearing the background noise coming from Tim, well isn't that odd, why would a message be up but not saying anything?] Hello?


worldentire July 7 2010, 17:48:19 UTC
...Is that you, Allen? S'been a while, son.


jesusing_clown July 7 2010, 18:25:32 UTC
Oh, hi Mr Sinclair. Mm, I've been a little busy. Did you know you'd left your communicator on?


worldentire July 7 2010, 18:42:58 UTC
Yessir, I did. Left it on t'listen t'what's goin' on around the mansion.

Good t'hear your voice again, son.


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