Jun 09, 2010 13:36

[It's time for another heart-warming constitutional with our dear Mr. Sinclair. This time, he's still in his room when the video clicks on, still fed through a security bot. He's in the process of covering a tank in the corner with a blanket. His Spartanesque room - large bed, desk with a hub of screens above it, closet and dresser set - has a new ( Read more... )

puppies!, this is why he hates video, holy crap he left his room, +eway, gdi i'm not a tv show, +video, +action, that sinclair sure is sneaky, eway: bhamba

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[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 20:14:19 UTC
[Bhamba still hasn't quite gotten the hang of this whole world yet, so he is currently flipping through the mansion's transmissions, assuming they are TV stations. The 'guy in a cable-knit sweater climbing a wall channel' couldn't really hold his attention, so now he is watching Sinclair's feed, waiting for something to happen. After a while:]

Good God, that is the most boring show I've ever seen.

[He gets up from his chair to switch to another channel]


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 20:16:02 UTC
[He hears the voice and casts a very, VERY dirty glare at the security bot. Damned traitors.] Sorry t'hear I'm not as entertainin' as you'd hoped. [Sounds like that crazy guy with the alligators.] ... Not you again.


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 20:22:45 UTC
[Bhamba jumps back when his TV program starts talking to him. Cue short pause to jog his memory. Then:]

Hey, you're not a TV program. You're my conscience again!


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 20:24:12 UTC
[A little strangled noise comes out of his throat and he looks away, annoyed, and then looks back, nodding.] That's right. I'm your conscience. What're you doin', sittin' around, watchin' TV? Shouldn't you be puttin' that mind'a yours t'work?


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 20:29:36 UTC
Aah, good one!

[He laughs.]

But seriously, what was your name again? Sinflair... Slimfare... no, definitely not slim... help me out here, will you?


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 20:30:24 UTC
.... [deadpan.] Sinclair.


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 20:34:32 UTC

[Chances are he won't remember that at all and end up calling you Éclair. OH WELL.]

So... what are you doing?

[He's bored and wants to make conversation, but I guess he's not the best at it, usually.]


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 20:38:39 UTC
[sigh] Trainin' my dogs.


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 20:43:10 UTC
So funny you should mention that, because I just-eeeeeeeeehhhh!!!

[I hope you remember the large crocodile from his first video, because it just jumped in and pushed Bhamba off-screen.]


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 20:49:05 UTC
You jus- [he looks over JUST IN TIME to see the great beast tackle Bhamba, and my god, the smile on his face.] Well, well, looks like you've got a bit of a problem on your hands there. [And he laments being unable to see what's happening, in his head.]


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 20:56:32 UTC
[There's silence, some shuffling in the background, then laughter. When Bhamba emerges he is perfectly unharmed, sitting back down in his chair, the crocodile following and quietly positioning itself at his feet.]

Oh no, Amy is no problem at all! She is just a little too playful sometimes.

[How's THAT for animal training, biatch?!]


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 20:58:44 UTC
[DAMN HIM. Sinclair looks away again.] Amy, huh. [Grumble grumble.] And where'd you get that, ah.. Amy?


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 21:04:52 UTC
[Huh. I thought Éclair'd been there.]

Didn't you see? I found her in my closet. I could sedate her, thanks to a talking, fire-throwing mime and the Republic of Iceland helped me lock her in my bathroom.

[Oh ~by the way~ if you look closely you will notice that there's something different about the "Amy" you saw on his first day. This one, while still being the same crocodile, is wearing what looks like a dog collar.]


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 21:07:34 UTC
You'll have t'forgive me. [I don't LIKE YOU.] I wasn't really payin' that much attention. [Because you're INSANE.] ...Fire-throwin' mime..? ...Figures, you'n Cohen gettin' on together.


[VIDEO] angel_junk June 9 2010, 21:18:34 UTC
Cohen! Yes, that was his name.

[Cue brief moment of slightly creeped-out reminiscence.]

Well, I suppose you're busy, so I'll just leave you to it. I'll let you know once I can get the CEDs to not kill anything smaller than a crocodile. Bye bye!

[Yeah, he totally doesn't realize that you have no idea what he's talking about. He waves and stands up to turn the feed off.]]


[VIDEO] worldentire June 9 2010, 21:33:00 UTC
[He decides he doesn't care enough to reply, and annoyedly continues on his little walk. Sometimes, Wonderland is too damn crazy.]


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