It's a sad day miei amici - no, no, I don't mean for me, I am accustomed to suffering! *rubs palms with thumbs* I do it for my people, for the world! It is a sad day for the world.
You do realise we're doing this in worldaffairs and so might have a lot more people out there reading it? I know this was a perfectly good WA post when you started it, but now it's strayed completely into the less-public V/D world. Is that a problem? Do we need to make any rules about what Silvio is allowed to say in WA and what things need to be done in the personal lj?
That's just it. We don't know. I assume the people whose players are still active, no matter how infrequently they post, might be reading, and then there might be nonplayers who never took the plunge and started commenting to WA posts like Swan did. Case in point would be Laura. And don't forget what happened to speaker_pelosi ....
Let's after this one move it to Silvio's journal - anyone interested can follow. Besides, we see how difficult it is to mix the two, so I think we should just keep our worldaffairs postings away from what's happening in our crazy fic story timeline which isn't really a timeline thing... because there are so many things in the news that need to be posted... like Gazprom... *revels*
Agreed. But we can blame Tavi if you want. After all, she's the one who made that provocative "consoling" comment to your Silvio post; I just took over Silvio and ran with it.
Well, if you like people who have the minds and souls of bureaucrats, I suppose he'll do. I'd hardly have thought that would be a selling point with you, caro.
So. A business transaction only, then, is that it? I have money and a desire to spend it; you have something to sell. Certainly, caro, if that's what you want. It doesn't hurt me in the least. You're the one people are whispering about. *shrugs eloquently*
Btw, isn't Laura's Silvio icon just PERFECT> :-D
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