(no subject)

May 31, 2006 15:01

So I was delaying my presentation because I never found the time to look for images. I kept thinking it would take a lot of work... silly me :p I found most images from this post just by looking at ONE game's pictures!

So, without further delay...

Oh well. This is a great responsability. I'm presenting the tem that has the most chances to win the Cup, but even if that doesn't happens, it will still be the most commented, the spotlight team of the whole stuff.

Not that I'm excited about that, mind you. I'm Brazilian and I support my team BUT they are getting into my nerves with this favouritism thing. See, must go there and PLAY BALL to win the World Cup. I know we have some of the best players, but that's no guarantee of a great game.

Aaaaaanyway.... here's Brazil!

Goalies: Dida (Milan), Rogerio Ceni (Sao Paulo), Julio Cesar (Inter>

Brazilian team is not nearly as talented visually as it is phisically. BUT. The two stand-in goalies are something to look forward to.

This is Julio Cesar (on the right). I don't know the guy in the left, but I wouldn't mind knowing. ^-^

In action.

He's married to a model/actress here in Brazil. And they're happy, for a change. They have two cute kids and all. :)

And this is Rogerio Ceni.

Ok, he's not that cute. But he rocks. Literally. He has a rock band and all.

This guy's so funny. He is nearly an identical twin to a TV presentator here, thought they're not related. Keep an eye on him for penalties and faults.

Defense: Cafu (Milan), Lucio (Munich Bayern), Juan (Leverkusen Bayern), Roberto Carlos (Real Madrid) . Also: Cicinho, Luisao, Cris and Gilberto.

Brazilian's defense is simply ugly, in both ways. You'll see more of them later in the post.

We do have a highlight though - Cicinho.


He plays for Real Madrid. And Brazilian girls might all be praying for Cafu to get injured or something so Cicinho can play. Weee.

Middle field: Emerson (Juventus), Ze Roberto (Munich Bayern), Kaka (Milan), Ronaldinho Gaúcho (Barcelona). Also: Gilberto Silva, Edmilson Mineiro, Juninho and Ricardinho.

Ok, Ronaldinho Gaucho doesn't really need to be presented, does he?

Just in case - hello, this is world's best soccer player. \o/

But the highlights to this community's sake go to Kaká.

Kaka is by far the hottest player on this team.

I'm serious about that. *drools*

Curiosity: he got married to a girl a while ago, after four years dating her. What's interesting about that? He's 21, she's 17, and she was a virgin until the marriage. And apparently, so was he. :O

Ok... what's next?

Attack: Adriano (Internazionale), Ronaldo (Real Madrid). Also: Robinho and Fred.

Not much to report here. I hate fat Ronaldo. :p

Oh wait:

Someone may like Adriano's.... goals...

Now, the thing about this team is that THEY CAN'T FREAKING LET GO OF EACH OTHER!

Oh, the love.

More love. And Ronaldinho flies.

And yet more group love.

Of course, it's not always group-like.

Goalies want some action too!

Aw, they even share moments.

No point try to hide, people. We know. We like it.

Ain't love grand?


All forms of it!!!

And I can't help myself, so some funny ones:

Ronaldo : That never happened to me before.
Kaka: Don't worry! It happens to all of us!
Roberto Carlos: How can you tell?

Adriano and Ronaldo: A-do-le-ta...
Ze Roberto: Is that what you're people calling it these days?

More Adriano and Ronaldo. OTP, anyone?

Give the "i'm flying over you" a whole new meaning.

Just look at the dude checking out Emerson's legs.

One more "aw" before we go!

Got that from TODAY's news right in the middle of the post! :D :D

I hope you liked it!!!

~2006 team: brazil

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