Why is nobody posting any more team presentations? :((
Seriously, with the World Cup starting in 11 days and the final squads being announced for about two weeks now, I just thought we'd get a few more intros by now. I know from some people that posts are to follow within the next few days, but what about the others who signed up? Still working on it? Too busy? Lost interest? It would be nice if we had most, if not all, intros once the WC actually starts, so I'm just trying to get some information on your status here. I'm not really trying to put pressure on you (sorry if it sounds that way), I'm just curious where we are at. It doesn't need to be all huge and perfect, give us your team's eye candy and slashyness to ogle at and we're happy ;)
Also, a lot of teams are still available, so if you know somebody who'd pick one of them to present them the slashy way, please direct them here! Personally, I think we do need somebody for the Swiss team. They're cute, very young and have lots of potential!
From left: Fabio Coltori, Valon Behrami, Philipp Degen (whose twin brother David is also in the squad, how adorable is that??? Sadly, I didn't find a pic), Ricardo Cabanas, Xavier Margairaz, Raphael Wicky (okay, my #1 reason for doing all this, since I'm so in love with him *winks*), Alexander Frei and ETA: Philippe Senderos /ETA.
Squad pic. //
Swiss A Team's official homepage.
As you can see, there's potential. Sadly, I know little to nothing about the squad, so somebody with a better knowledge needs to adopt them and show us the slashy goodness that surfaces once these young hotties are together. For I'm pretty sure it's there.
And don't forget to check out
the other teams that are still available! Finally, check out our latest affiliate:
snooker_slash - For snooker fans of slash, and slash fans of snooker.
Have a related community and want to affiliate, too? Contact me :D
P.S.: If you're watching
world_cup_slash, you might want to consider becoming a member to see all entries ;) It's just
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