Work underway to release nuke container pressure to avert meltdown
TOKYO, March 12, Kyodo
The operator of nuclear plants in Fukushima Prefecture, which was severely hit by a powerful quake on Friday, has been scrambling to release pressure in containers housing their reactors to prevent a nuclear meltdown, the nuclear safety agency said Saturday.
Even before Tokyo Electric Power Co. succeed in reducing the pressure, which would involve the release of steam that would likely include radioactive materials, radiation has risen to an unusually high level in and near Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, it said.
Work to depressurize the containers, aimed at preventing the plants from sustaining damage and losing their critical containment function, has been conducted under an unprecedented government order.
While the agency denies that the radiation amount will pose an immediate threat to the health of nearby residents, those who live in the vicinity of the Fukushima No. 1 plant from a 3-kilometer radius to 10 km and those in a radius of 3 kilometers of the No. 2 plant have been ordered to evacuate the area.
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said TEPCO officials encountered difficulties in opening a valve to release the container's pressure due to high radioactive level, while the evacuation of nearby residents has not been completed yet.
At the No. 1 plant, the amount of radiation reached around 1,000 times the normal level in the control room of the No. 1 reactor, and 70 times the normal level near the main gate of the plant. It is the first time an external radioactive leak was confirmed since the disaster. Я коротко и суть. Прошла эвакуация населения от второго энергоблока в радиусе трех километров, уровень радиации у главных ворот превышает норму в 70 раз, в "пультовой" (т.е. в зале управления) - примерно в 1000 раз.
До окончания эвакуации перегретый пар (газы) внутри реактора нельзя было выпускать, что создало дополнительные сложности.