Обозначения, что есть что на Фукусиме

Apr 03, 2011 19:41

От человека с ником Dobryak:
Дэвид Локбаум,  веселые и не очень истории которого из американских  реакторных будней я приводил не раз, выложил два интересных репортажа пофукусимским  снимкам высокого разреше. Переводить, увы, времени у меня нет. Если кто возьмется, низкий поклон:
Я тоже не буду, тут все просто, если что, есть гугл-переводчик
upd Внизу появился перевод (сорри, у меня времени нет, поэтому я его просто копирую с той же Авантюры.
Репортаж 1:

A set of very high-resolution photographs of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant have been posted on the web by cryptome.org. I’ve annotated some of those pictures below to help people know what they are seeing in those photos.

Photo 1: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

1A - Unit 1 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

1B - Unit 2 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

1C - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

1D - Unit 4 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

1E - Offgas building shared by all four units containing equipment to process air pulled from the condensers and reduce radioactivity discharged from the offgas stack during normal reactor operation

1F - Unit 1 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

1G - Unit 2 reactor building

1H - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

1I - Unit 4 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

1J - Offgas stack discharging treated flow from Units 1-4 during normal operation

1K - Unit 1 intake where sea water is pumped via underground pipes into the condenser within the Unit 1 turbine building (A) to cool the steam exiting the main turbine. The warmed sea water flows through underground pipe to a common concrete culvert to the discharge point (N).

1L - Unit 2 intake where sea water is pumped via underground pipes into the condenser within the Unit 1 turbine building (B) to cool the steam exiting the main turbine. The warmed sea water flows through underground pipe to a common concrete culvert to the discharge point (N).

1M - Unit 3 intake where sea water is pumped via underground pipes into the condenser within the Unit 1 turbine building (C) to cool the steam exiting the main turbine. The warmed sea water flows through underground pipe to a common concrete culvert to the discharge point (N).

1N - Common discharge point used by Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 to return warmed sea water to the Pacific Ocean

1O - Stack shared by the Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

1P - Stack shared by the Unit 3 and Unit 4 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

Photo 2: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

2A - Unit 1 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

2B - Unit 2 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

2C - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

2D - Unit 4 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

2E - Unit 1 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

2F - Unit 2 reactor building showing blow-out panel opened to relief hydrogen and vapor buildups

2G - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

2H - Unit 4 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

2I - Stack shared by the Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

2J - Stack shared by the Unit 3 and Unit 4 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

Photo 3: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

3A - Unit 1 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

3B - Unit 2 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

3C - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

3D - Unit 1 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

3E - Unit 2 reactor building

3F - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

3G - Stack shared by the Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

3H - Unit 1 reactor building (D) exhaust line to the stack (G)

3I - Unit 2 reactor building (E) exhaust line to the stack (G)

3J - Unit 1 truck bay used to deliver canisters of new fuel assemblies into the reactor building (D) and its refueling floor

3K - Unit 2 truck bay used to deliver canisters of new fuel assemblies into the reactor building (D) and its refueling floor

3L - Unit 3 truck bay used to deliver canisters of new fuel assemblies into the reactor building (D) and its refueling floor


Photo 4: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

4A - Unit 2 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

4B - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

4C - Unit 4 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

4D - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

4E - Unit 4 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

4F - Unit 3 reactor building (D) exhaust line to the stack (H) showing extensive damage

4G - Unit 4 reactor building (E) exhaust line to the stack (H)

4H - Stack shared by the Unit 3 and Unit 4 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

4I - Offgas building shared by all four units containing equipment to process air pulled from the condensers and reduce radioactivity discharged from the offgas stack during normal reactor operation

4J - Offgas stack discharging treated flow from Units 1-4 during normal operation

Репортаж 2:

Annotated Photos of Fukushima (continued)

Below are some additional annotated versions of high-resolution photographs of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant that have been posted on the web by cryptome.org. For annotated photos 1-4, click here.

Photo 5: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

5A - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

5B - Unit 4 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

5C - Unit 2 offgas line that transports air pulled from the condenser inside the Unit 2 turbine building during normal operation to the offgas building for treatment to reduce radioactivity levels before discharge to the atmosphere

5D - Unit 3 offgas line that transports air pulled from the condenser inside the Unit 2 turbine building during normal operation to the offgas building for treatment to reduce radioactivity levels before discharge to the atmosphere

5E - Unit 3 reactor building (H) exhaust line to the stack (G) showing extensive damage

5F - Unit 4 reactor building (I) exhaust line to the stack (G)

5G - Stack shared by the Unit 3 and Unit 4 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

5H - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

5I - Unit 4 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion


Photo 6: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

6A - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

6B - Unit 4 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps

6C - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

6D - Unit 4 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

6E - Unit 3 main transformer showing three parallel bus ducts connecting the main transformer to the Unit 3 turbine building (A) housing the main generator

6F - Unit 4 main transformer showing three parallel bus ducts connecting the main transformer to the Unit 3 turbine building (B) housing the main generator

6G - Unit 3 reactor building (C) exhaust line to the stack (I) showing extensive damage

6H - Unit 4 reactor building (D) exhaust line to the stack (I)

6I - Stack shared by the Unit 3 and Unit 4 reactor building exhaust system. Air from the reactor buildings is discharged from this stack during normal operations. During accident conditions, a system within the reactor building routes air through a charcoal filter system before sending it to the stack for discharge. The primary containment is vented through the reactor building charcoal filter system before flowing through the lines to the stack.

6J - Unit 3 truck bay used to deliver canisters of new fuel assemblies into the reactor building (D) and its refueling floor

6K - Unit 4 truck bay used to deliver canisters of new fuel assemblies into the reactor building (D) and its refueling floor

6L - Unit 3 access hatch connecting the truck bay elevation with the refueling floor elevation inside the Unit 3 reactor building (C)

6M - Unit 4 drywell head (yellow). Unit 4 was in a refueling shutdown at the time with the drywell head and reactor vessel head removed to allow access to the reactor core.


Photo 7: (original photo: Air Photo Service Co. Ltd., Japan)

7A - Unit 3 turbine building containing the main turbine, main generator, condenser, condensate pumps, and condensate booster pumps. Roof damage possibly caused by debris from the Unit 3 reactor building (B) explosion

7B - Unit 3 reactor building with extensive damage caused by hydrogen explosion

7C - Unit 2 offgas line that transports air pulled from the condenser inside the Unit 2 turbine building during normal operation to the offgas building for treatment to reduce radioactivity levels before discharge to the atmosphere

7D - Unit 3 offgas line that transports air pulled from the condenser inside the Unit 2 turbine building during normal operation to the offgas building for treatment to reduce radioactivity levels before discharge to the atmosphere

7E - Unit 3 reactor building (B) exhaust line to the stack showing extensive damage

7F - Unit 3 truck bay used to deliver canisters of new fuel assemblies into the reactor building (B) and its refueling floor

7G - Unit 3 access hatch connecting the truck bay elevation with the refueling floor elevation inside the Unit 3 reactor building (B)

Фразы повторяются, меняются только номера блоков. но в целом примерно так
1 A,B,C,D (соотв.блок 1,2,3,4) - здание турбины, в котором - главная турбина, главный генератор, главный конденсатор, конденсатные насосы, бустерные насосы
1E здание, в котором газовые сдувки из конденсаторов всех четырех блоков очищаются от радиоактивности для снижения радиоактивных выбросов через венттрубу при нормальной эксплуатации
1F - Здание реактора блока 1, существенно поврежденное при взрыве водорода

1G - Здание реактора блока 2
1H - Здание реактора блока 3, существенно поврежденное при взрыве водорода

1I - Здание реактора блока 4, существенно поврежденное при взрыве водорода

1J - Венттруба для сброса газовых сдувок блоков 1-4 при нормальной эксплуатации

1K - Забор морской воды блока 1, откуда морская вода качается по подземным трубопроводам в конденсатор блока 1 (A)для охлаждения пара главной турбины. Подогретая морская вода сбрасывается по подземным трубопроводам в общий бетонный водовод до места сброса(N).

1L - Забор морской воды блока 2, откуда морская вода качается по подземным трубопроводам в конденсатор блока 1(B) для охлаждения пара главной турбины. Подогретая морская вода сбрасывается по подземным трубопроводам в общий бетонный водовод до места сброса(N).

1M - Забор морской воды блока 3 , откуда морская вода качается по подземным трубопроводам в конденсатор блока 1(C) для охлаждения пара главной турбины. Подогретая морская вода сбрасывается по подземным трубопроводам в общий бетонный водовод (N).

1N -Место сброса, общее для блоков 1,2,3,4 , где нагретая морская вода возвращается в Тихий океан

1O - Вентиляционная труба зданий реакторов 1 и 2 блоков. Воздух из зданий реакторов сбрасывается через эту трубу при нормальной эксплуатации. В аварийной ситуации воздух очищается на фильтрах с активированным углем до сброса через венттрубу. Контаймент вентилируется через венттрубу с предварительной очисткой на угольных фильтрах.
1P - Вентиляционная труба зданий реакторов 3 и 4 блоков. Воздух из зданий реакторов сбрасывается через эту трубу при нормальной эксплуатации. В аварийной ситуации воздух очищается на фильтрах с активированным углем до сброса в венттрубу. Контаймент вентилируется через венттрубу с предварительной очисткой на угольных фильтрах.
2F - Здание реактора блока 2 с панелью, выбитой для сброса водорода и пара

3H - Сбросной воздуховод здания реактора блока 1 (D) в венттрубу (G)

3I - Сбросной воздуховод здания реактора блока 2 (E) в венттрубу (G)
3J - Транспортный шлюз блока 1, предназначенный для доставки контейнеров со свежим топливом в здание реактора блока 1 (D)
6E - Главный трансформатор блока 3 с тремя параллельными токопроводами, соединяющими главный трансформатор с главным генератором, расположенным в здании турбины блока 3 (А)
6F - Главный трансформатор блока 4 с тремя параллельными токопроводами, соединяющими главный трансформатор с главным генератором, расположенным в здании турбины блока 3 (В)
6M - Блок 4 крышка колодца перегрузки (желтая). Блок 4 находился в состоянии останова для перегрузки топлива и крышка колодца и крышка ректора были сняты для доступа к активной зоне.

С форума "глобальной авантюры": http://www.avanturist.org/forum/index.php/topic,97.2900.html

информация, новости, технологии, люди, Япония, японская жизнь, мировые катастрофы, вокруг света, Фукусима, современность, в мире

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