Being A Donaghy [30 Rock; Jack/Liz]

Jun 10, 2007 18:09

TITLE: Being A Donaghy
CHAPTER 9: No Drooling
FANDOM: 30 Rock
SPOILERS: Through "Corporate Crush"


"Jonathan! Jonathan, I think there's a pigeon in the shot! Can we remove the pigeon, please?"

Liz sighed and flicked her hair out of her eyes, trying not to grow impatient at Jack's stalling -- her husband, her brain was quick to remind her. What was it with him and pigeons, anyway?

When he came back over to her with a smile, she smiled back briefly and had to ask, "Are you afraid of pigeons or something?"

A vertical crease indented the skin between his eyebrows and his hands found her waist as he asked, "Why?"

She placed her hands on his arms, ignoring the butterflies as they got into yet another pose for the photographer. "You always have a mini-freak-out if there's a pigeon around."

He shrugged, and then turned them slightly at the photographer's request, pulling her a little bit closer in the process. "They're just disgusting. I hate them."

"Oh." That was all she could say. As usual, with Jack, sometimes that was all that was needed.

She found it hard to believe they were still being so... normal... with each other after what had just happened. They'd gotten married, for crying out loud.

The ceremony had been surprisingly quick, and not nearly as painful as she'd thought. She had barely stuttered through the vows (even though it didn't help matters having Jenna grinning at her like an idiot the whole time). And when it came time for the kiss, she stealthily turned her head at the last second so Jack's lips would connect with her cheek.

Actually, they had ended up more touching the corner of her lips than anything else. And she didn't gag, as promised, although it was oddly disconcerting that her stomach fluttered at the touch of his lips. Maybe she had some weird stomach disease she could get checked out for later.

"It's like taking prom pictures," she heard herself complain as the photographer asked them to turn this way and then that, Jack constantly reminding her not to scowl the entire time. She huffed as she turned her back to Jack at the photographer's request and he placed his hands on her stomach, pulling her back against him. She placed her hands over his.

"You never went to prom," Jack commented softly, matter-of-factly, and after the camera popped she looked up at him sharply in surprise.

"How would you know that?"

His smile was slight, and enigmatic. "Research. It's part of my job."

"No, it's not," she replied without missing a beat. "It's officially not."

"Fine, then it's part of Jonathan's job. Now smile." The camera flashed yet again.

When the photographer called for Jenna and Jonathan to join them for pictures, Liz looked up and caught Jack staring at her hair. "Whaaaat?" she asked slowly.

"Some of your hair is losing its curl." He leaned around her and asked his assistant, "Jonathan, where is Anna?"

Liz raised her eyebrows. "You brought the hair-and-makeup girl from TGS to our wedding pictures?" When he started to walk off in search of Anna, Liz huffed and gathered her skirt (Jack would probably have a girly hissy fit if it dragged and got dirty), following after her husband. "Jack, this isn't a photo shoot!"

On the way past, she heard Jenna giggle and mutter, "Wow, this marriage thing is going to come easily to you two."

Liz didn't even have time to glare before she was grabbed by Jack, while Anna stepped up behind her and fixed her hair. "Just indulge me, Elizabeth darling, please," she heard Jack beseeching lowly. "Every bride should look like a million bucks on her wedding day and right now with those limp curls you look like maybe ten thousand, at best."

Liz rolled her eyes, but allowed Anna to fix her hair before they returned to the spot the photographer designated. "At least it's a nice day for this," she commented randomly.

Jack smiled. "I've always wanted to take pictures in Central Park, and this seemed like a wonderful occasion."

"We're not taking a carriage ride, are we?" she joked, chuckling.

Jack turned to her, the look on his face unfortunately serious. "Would you like to?"

Her eyebrows flicked upward briefly, then she shook her head. "No, that's okay."

He nodded and tapped Jonathan, informing him sotto voce, "Cancel the carriage ride, please." Then, he turned back to smile at her. "Limousine it is."

Liz bit her lip. The ceremony had gone smoothly, but she had a feeling this was going to end up being the longest day of her life. Especially when they resumed their picture-taking and Jenna leaned over to taunt her, "How's it going, Mrs. Donaghy?"

Liz was certain she was going to drink lots and lots of alcohol at the reception.


"So I think the pictures will turn out well," Jack commented when they were alone in the limousine together.

Liz, on the other end of the leather upholstry from him, smiled awkwardly. "Yeah."

"Liz, you remember what I said about... the act we have to put on at the reception, right?"

"Yep," she nodded, keeping her gaze focused out the window. "I remember."

"We'll also have to dance... at least a couple of times. I hope you're okay with that."

For the first time that day, Liz smiled genuinely over at Jack (her husband -- God, her brain was annoying sometimes). For all his faults, she was starting to realize that he genuinely was a nice man. And however misguided his attempts at chivalry were, he was a gentleman. She scooted away from the window, and toward him, just a bit. "Yes, that's fine, Jack."

Jack mirrored her movements until they were sitting together in the middle of the seat. "You look tired."

Her smile was now less genuine. As gentlemanly as he could be at times, you'd think he could figure out what to say to women. Maybe she'd have to teach him. "Yes, I remember you saying that this morning, right before you suggested I start using under-eye cream."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way."

Liz sighed and leaned her head back against the seat, mindful of her newly-fixed curls. "Oh, it's fine. Maybe it can be my wifely duty to teach you how to compliment people."

Jack exhaled his smile. "That may be helpful in the future." He added, "You really do look tired, though."

And she was. "I am," she admitted aloud. "I'm exhausted already. Can I take a nap at the reception?"

He chuckled and glanced out the window. "I'm afraid not, Lemon my dear. You can, however, nap in the limo until we get to the reception. With this traffic, it'll take us a little while to get around the park to the Plaza."

Liz closed her eyes, but her eyebrows flew up as she caught the tail-end of that sentence. "The reception is at the Plaza?"

"Yes, and I booked us neighboring suites there for tonight."

Liz couldn't help but be a little amazed. "Wow."

"Now rest, while you can. We have a long evening ahead of us."

She did so, and within a few moments her head had inexplicably found Jack's shoulder. And it was weird, but... Jack didn't seem to mind. Neither did Liz, oddly enough. She figured she could freak out about what that meant later, when she was awake. Now, she needed sleep.

As she drifted off, the last thing she heard was Jack telling her softly, "No drooling on the tux, Lemon."


{x-posted to 30_rock and jack_liz}

character: jack donaghy, character: liz lemon, series: being a donaghy, pairing: jack/liz, fandom: 30 rock

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