2 a.m. [The Office; Pam/Jan]

Dec 28, 2007 19:24

TITLE: 2 a.m.
FANDOM: The Office
PAIRING: Pam/Jan friendship; Michael/Pam friendship; Jim/Pam angst; Michael/Jan established
SPOILERS: Season four
SUMMARY: ( Two a.m. and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake. )

character: jim halpert, character: pam beesly, character: jan levinson, pairing: pam/jan, pairing: michael/jan, pairing: jim/pam, fandom: the office, pairing: michael/pam, character: michael scott

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Comments 8

easytiger13 January 4 2008, 22:55:30 UTC
i love it! i've missed your M/J fanfic so much! please write more :)


goinglike_elsie January 12 2008, 19:08:03 UTC
Oh, I love it. I love me some office angst and I love when Jan gets to be all in control so this was purrfect for me. The dialogue is really great too.


superblossom January 14 2008, 23:38:13 UTC
Loved. Your. Fic.
That was awesome! I missed your fanfics!!! I'm glad you're still writing them, it sucks the show got cancelled. :(


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