X-Men Origins: Logan/Remy, R

May 29, 2009 16:52

Title: Common Ground
Fandom: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Rating: R
Pairing: Logan/Remy
Warnings: mentions of rough sex
Summary: Once in a while, the demons got too strong to be fought alone.
Notes: Part of a series of ficlets and one-shots inspired by songs. This fic is set in movie-verse.

Common Ground )

fandom: x-men, pairing: logan/remy

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rocks_not_dead May 29 2009, 21:11:21 UTC
Thank you. :) Love that you loved it. ♥ Yeah, the end needed to be sweet. I wanted to end it on a happy note. They need it.


char_comet May 29 2009, 16:39:08 UTC
Oh My!!! How did you think to such a pairing? I have never had anything in mind about them (yet I am a X-Men comics fan since very long time other than loving their movies)
Maybe I could think something about Wolverine/Cyclope because of their relaionship of rivalry/hatred because they are in love with the same woman (who - I think - loves both men too ^__-)
Anyway I liked it very much especially because you caught Wolverine's essence: he is a rough but also sweet "beast" ^_^


rocks_not_dead May 29 2009, 21:16:23 UTC
Really? From what I've seen, Logan/Remy is a very popular pairing in the X-Men fandom. And I shipped them immediately, even though I only saw the possibility of that pairing in Origins. Love both of them so much, though.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it. :)


char_comet May 29 2009, 22:26:11 UTC
From what I've seen, Logan/Remy is a very popular pairing in the X-Men fandom

Maybe you mean in the X-Men YAOI fandom! LOL
To me - that always have seen and read them for what they are (nothing to do with YAOI)- is not easy to figure out such a pairing! To tell the true I cannot understand why so many people have the obsession to turn into YAOI whatever anime/comics they see or read that have got nothing to do with YAOI and not even with slash. I am not much into YAOI (because I don't like stories without a good plot and most of YAOI are usually only sex and - even if there are bishies - they end up to bother me) but I have always been a fan of shounen anime/manga and marvel comics so when it happens (and it is becoming very usual) that I meet some myth of mine "converted" into a homosexual guy it isn't easy to me to digest them in the new version ^__^


julietmoppet May 30 2009, 05:23:30 UTC
Logan can't possibly like Cyclops for the simple reason that he knows Scott has body odor haha. Hey I'd like to say I'm kidding, but I'm just quoting Logan, he said so himself in the series. And knowing how strong his sense of smell is, I doubt that he can stand that. :P He in fact falls for girls who really smell good. Besides, he doesn't like Cyclops, as in "really". Unlike with Gambit, he and Gambit get along really fine. Sure they fight, and piss each other off, but at the end of the day, they watch out for each other & have a very deep respect for each other. They even had their own Wolverine & Gambit special because they really 'click' together. And Gambit shows up a lot in Wolverine's own comic books, doing missions with Logan.

Forgive me rocks_not_dead, for explaining this here in your fic post. But I'm really here to say that I like the fic. It is an interesting prospect. XD Perhaps, a continuation (please)? Thanks for sharing!


mercae_killar May 29 2009, 22:02:57 UTC
Very nicely done. Thank you for sharing it.


rocks_not_dead May 29 2009, 22:09:13 UTC
Thank you. :)


rocks_not_dead June 2 2009, 21:41:38 UTC
Thanks for reading. :)


iridania May 29 2009, 22:40:06 UTC
They both had their own nightmares; different, yet so similar. They’d experienced horrors of the same place, understood each other’s haunting memories of being violated in the name of science. Once in a while, the demons got too strong to be fought alone.

I totally agree with this. It's one of the thing I like the most about their relationship.


rocks_not_dead June 2 2009, 21:43:43 UTC
Glad you like. It's definitely a big part of their possible relationship. Just the same as I think there totally should be a meaning that in the movie Remy was the first person Logan saw after losing his memories.


fallen_iceangel May 29 2009, 23:06:43 UTC
That was gorgeous. I hope you write more fics like this! :D


rocks_not_dead June 2 2009, 21:44:39 UTC
Thanks. ^^ I will.


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