Watching Over You - Chapter 1

Jan 21, 2012 19:32

Title: Watching Over You - Chapter 1
Author: Bluespire
Pairing: Ville/Bam, hinting at Ville/Mige and Ville/OC
Summary: Ville is a Viking warrior, eldest son of Kari, a Viking Jarl. Bam is a slave (called a thrall). What happens when Ville pays Bam's slave price and moves him from the kitchens into his bed?
Rating: Will eventually be NC-17
Disclaimer: While Ville, Bam, Mige, Kari, Anita, Jesse and some of the others mentioned within this story are real people, the events that take place in this work of fiction are not real. No harm or offense is meant by the characters and events depicted within.
Warnings: This thing reads like a bad historical romance novel. Minimal research was done so it will likely be wildly inaccurate. Much suspension of disbelief is required.
Author's Notes:This was started from a drabble and just kept going. Written and posted with minimal editing. Flying by the seat of my pants over here. Originally posted Here over on vamble.


Bam watched as Ville, eldest of the Valo sons, laughed and pulled the serving wench onto his lap. He could tell Ville’s cup was nearing empty but he was afraid to go near to fill it. Ville had been… out of sorts with him of late.

Bam stepped quickly around the corner out of Ville’s line of sight and pressed his back tightly to the cold stone wall, praying to the gods that he hadn’t been seen. When he thought he'd gotten away with it, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, remembering the night that had changed everything.

Bam had been up late. The kitchen master had given them all mead. It had been fun, laughing and singing together but it made Bam’s sleep restless and midnight had found him creeping around in hopes of finding a way out of the hall without disturbing anyone else’s slumber.

He’d been halfway across the main hall when he’d heard the noise. Bam froze, considering his next action. The sound continued. It was faint and he would probably have missed it if his terror hadn’t made him overly vigilant. It was a quiet whine, almost like a breath. Bam had to strain even to hear it.

He didn’t intend to investigate; in fact his fondest wish was to get out of the hall without anyone ever knowing he’d left the kitchen. Sadly, luck wasn’t with him that night. He’d crouched low, in case anyone was looking, and had crept over to the wall, intending to move quietly along it and to disappear into the courtyard. Before he’d made it more than a few feet, though, he realized that in his haste, he’d misjudged the origin of the noise and was moving toward it. Bam was afraid even to look but he had to know. Raising his head, his eyes locked with the beautiful green ones of the eldest Valo son.

Bam didn’t breathe and for a moment, neither did Ville. Bam flinched when the muffled whisper came. “Ville, what’s wrong?”

Against his will, Bam’s eyes tore away from Ville’s to move down his body. A man was crouched at Ville’s feet, on his knees between Ville’s spread legs. A brown-haired head seemed to be looking up at Ville. And Bam heard the voice again, “Is something wrong?”

Bam’s eyes flew back to Ville’s. This was it. This was where Bam’s presence was revealed. Bam didn’t know what would happen to him but he knew it couldn’t be good. Kari would never allow his son to be shamed.

But then something surprising happened. Ville met his gaze and… smiled. The smile was like ice, holding no joy, sending shivers down Bam’s spine but he couldn’t look away.

“It’s nothing, Migé,” Ville murmured, threading his hands through the brown head of hair in his lap and pulling it toward his crotch. “Please continue.”

Bam couldn’t move. Later he’d tell himself that it was fear of being called out but if he was really honest with himself, he knew that if he’d turned, Ville would have let him go. Instead he’d stayed. His eyes had darted down to the man named Migé, his head bobbing in Ville’s lap, hands grasping tightly to Ville’s thighs, then back to those green eyes. He’d watched as the ice melted, turning to a fiery passion and still Ville’s eyes didn’t leave his. Only when Ville approached his climax did his eyes roll up and close, breath hitching in the quiet room. Bam watched it all as his own member hardened painfully, untouched in his thin trousers.

When they were done, the man called Migé laughed and leaned up to embrace Ville. Ville took him in his arms and smiled a smile never meant for Bam’s eyes, then helped him to his feet, murmuring something about sleep as they stumbled from the room.

Bam stood stock still for more than half an hour before he convinced his frozen limbs to carry him back into the kitchen.

Ever since that night, Ville’s face had held only the icy smile for Bam. Except once or twice… once or twice when Bam turned quickly, he’d caught a different expression on Ville’s face. It was that expression that scared him. It was the opposite of cold, truth be told, but what it was, passion or fury, Bam wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

Chapter 2 - Loyalty

watching over you, vam

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