Title: Roll Another One
foreverseenstarPairing/characters: Gen, Elizabeth Weir, David Parrish
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, Mensa!verse
Summary: Blame Torri for being such an awesome hippie chick.
Parrish checked his watch as Liz's voice echoed through greenhouse four. The team was back on time so apparently nothing had gone too horribly wrong. That was always comforting. "Back here, Liz. Swing a left at the vanda coerulea."
"I don't even know what you just said and I'm a linguist."
He sighed. "The blue orchids."
There was more rustling and Liz appeared beside him, one of the blue flowers tucked into her hair. "I found you," she exclaimed triumphantly.
"So you did. What can I do for you?"
She dropped her pack and pulled out an amber colored bottle. "So the Tellerans have this wine that is just amazing. It tastes kind of like fruit punch, but a little sour, and it burns going down. Only, in a really good way." She handed over the bottle and smiled as Parrish uncorked it to take a whiff of the contents. "Evan really liked it," she added.
Parrish chuckled and motioned for Liz to follow him farther into the surrounding foliage. He moved overgrown vines out of the way and kept them away from the trees that smelled like burnt chocolate, and that shrub that ate the US flag patch off of his jacket when he wasn't paying enough attention. He stopped at a workstation surrounded by plants in pots and hanging baskets.
Liz hopped onto the table and reached into her jacket for a small tin. "Anyone else find out about your little operation yet?"
He rolled his eyes, rummaging through a storage container. "It is not an operation. I can't help it if I like to keep busy in my off time." He pointed a finger at her without looking up. "Don't even say it."
She grinned as he tossed a bag onto the table, thoughts of teasing about his personal life dismissed. "Davey, have I told you I love you?"
"If you keep saying it, Evan's going to think you're trying to get in my pants."
The grin remained as she pulled paper and a lighter from her tin. "They're nice pants. Besides, Evan already thinks I'm trying to sleep with him half the time." She bit her lip, concentrating on rolling the joint. "I'm almost out of papers, you think you can grow some of those?"
"I think you'd be better off getting some on the next supply run."
She scoffed, lighting up. "I'm sure that'd go well." There was a pause as she inhaled. "Excuse me, Colonel Caldwell, I'd like to requisition some rolling papers or even better, a bong."
Parrish made a grabby hand. "Finder's fee."
She groaned but handed it over. "I bet I could get a pipe from the Athosians."
"We're headed to the mainland later if you want to come."
"Sounds good." She watched him take the longest drag ever. "You wanna hear something crazy?"
"You know that whole parallel dimension thing with Rod? He told me that in the other Atlantis, I was in charge. Isn't that wild?"
He laughed, settling in to sit next to the rapidly-approaching-stoned Liz. "I can't even imagine."