Title: Second Chance - Chapter 9
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG-13
Summary: sequel to the
tragic sequel of
Anything For You. Fifty years later, Kazuya and Jin are reincarnated in their namesakes: their friends' grandchildren. Can their second chance turn out for the better? Can they be happy and together this time?
Chapter 9 )
Comments 75
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*revives to comment on this wonderful chapter*
Chibi Kame is so CUTE! Gah, why can't my nephew's be that cute? I want chibi Kame to be my nephew!
*snaps out of fangirl rant*
Definitely one of my favourite chapters in this series. Even cuter than some, if not most of the drabbles. I love how you brought out Kame's stubbornness with this 'why?' stage. Poor Tat-chan... And Junno too, but mostly Tat-chan. Jin's reaction is so EPIC, almost as awesome as Ryo's, but Ryo just rocks that way. This is the first time I'm mentioning it, but you've totally inspired my love for RyoKame. They are officially my third OTP after Akame and RyoDa.
Okay, I'm gonna stop before I become completely incoherent. I think I shall just start reading all over again from the one-shot now.
Loved this! Hope to see another update (on any fic) soon!
I love it!
Haha, well, to me, it seems as though Ryo would see it as an accomplishment that he had managed to get Kame to sleep when Pi, Ueda and Junno all coudln't XDDD I can totally imagine him being all accomplished and triumphant feeling XD
I don't think I was ever the type of child to do that either, but I've met children who have, and haha, you usually have to distract them XDD but sometimes, they're not so easily distracted, like Kame XDDD
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