Title: Mourning Fate
lena108Fandom and Pairing: Kingdom Hearts and Suikoden III. Axel, Luc. (no pairing)
Rating: PG
Prompt: Crossover
Warnings: Angstiness
Summary: Axel (Kingdom Hearts) has a discussion with Luc (Suikoden III) about their fate.
It was dark. Axel was used to that, but there was something different about it this time. It was pitch black, not just the usual darkness. There was absolutely nothing. It felt somehow… appropriate.
…Roxas! Where was Roxas?
In the distance, there was something. A sliver of something, but a break in the darkness nonetheless. Color? Not bright color. Browns, faded greens. It was a person, though. Or something that looked like a person. Axel, despite his instincts, moved toward the color. The temptation was too great to pass up. It was something different.
The person had his back to the Nobody. Axel reached out a gloved hand and tapped him on the shoulder. The man whipped around, the surprise only apparent in his eyes. He studied Axel for a brief moment, curiously, before finally speaking.
“Are you being punished too?” he asked. Axel cocked an eyebrow.
“What a conversation starter,” he told him, crossing his arms over his chest. “I guess you can say that. Some say there are lots of reasons to punish me.”
“And what could you have possibly done?” the man asked, bitterly. “If you have an attitude such as that, it couldn’t have been that horrible.” Axel chuckled.
“I’ve done more than you’ll ever know,” Axel told him. What should he be feeling right now? Anger, sadness? Fear, maybe? “What about you?”
“I defied fate,” he answered. The tone in his voice almost reminded Axel of Xemnas. The tone that told him that he was in for a monologue of epic proportions. “I wreaked havoc on the world. I created monsters for my personal gain. I attempted to destroy God. I’m being punished for my horrible deeds, the blasphemy I committed.” He sounded so pathetic. Axel knew he was going to go on, but he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He started to laugh, loud and long. It seemed to echo, though there were no walls for the sound to reverberate off of. The man turned to him, his face reddening slightly from anger. “You mock me?”
“Sorry,” Axel told him, not really sorry at all. “You sound like a bad romance novel.” Like the ones Naminé used to read.
“Oh, and I suppose your crime is far worse than mine,” he snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Of course it is,” Axel said, grinning from ear to ear and backing away from him. “I don’t exist.” At the man’s bewildered face, Axel chuckled and tapped his temple before turning away, leaving the man to mourn. At least he was able to say that he actually lived.