*attacks keyboard* FASJKASJDL Thanks sistah~ pr0n soooo early in the morning! WHat a good way to wake up and get naughty ideas 8D 8D You're too nice to me. ;o;
Ri~ght, I've just turned Athrun into a (somewhat) sexual predator in my fic, and I mentioned something about vulnerable Shinn. >3
*spams again* Ufufu, I've already seen the Mizuki one ;D and Heine with the uh, ducklings-umbrella. I'm trying to draw Halloween!GSD and dog!Shinn for Athrun's birthday. >__>
I noticed that you like to write in present tense, which is kinda unique, since most people write in past tense. >X3
You spammer you. Yeah, you've probably seen it since I posted in my own journal, but was too lazy to post to this one. xD; If it weren't for your fic being written I don't think it'd be posted this year or something. *is lazy, whut!* Ahahahahahaha. I've signed up to do the October pic for the CFUD calendar, so I need to draw a pic of Mizuki, Soushi and Rey in Halloween costume.
It's actually quite a recent development, but now that I've gotten into the habit of writing in present tense, I kinda like it. ^^; It gives a sort of different feel to a fic, yanno?
I stalk j00. 8D I think I saw it in campersfuckoff too, although I go there only once a week or so. *lazy* Ahaha the Ghei Trio? So Mizuki will be wearing a purple maid costume, right? Riiight? (Just add more bling, and it's all good.)
Oh I see. It does, somehow. XD Mine is in past tense, though.
"Mrawr" is all I can think of to say over the images of Mizuki as a chick. XD
Heine as Mary Poppins is both scary and delightful.
Oooh I love♥ the angsty AsuShinn sex. *_* Those two are just so HOT together. Nothing quite like the sexy posterboys of angst getting it on, I suppose. 8D
All so good. I bow down to your magnificent multi-talent. ♥
Comments 20
Ri~ght, I've just turned Athrun into a (somewhat) sexual predator in my fic, and I mentioned something about vulnerable Shinn. >3
I noticed that you like to write in present tense, which is kinda unique, since most people write in past tense. >X3
It's actually quite a recent development, but now that I've gotten into the habit of writing in present tense, I kinda like it. ^^; It gives a sort of different feel to a fic, yanno?
Oh I see. It does, somehow. XD Mine is in past tense, though.
Heine as Mary Poppins is both scary and delightful.
Oooh I love♥ the angsty AsuShinn sex. *_* Those two are just so HOT together. Nothing quite like the sexy posterboys of angst getting it on, I suppose. 8D
All so good. I bow down to your magnificent multi-talent. ♥
Blame the crack that is campfuckudie for all the crack. XD
AsuSheeeeeeeeeen for the win! *waves banners and pompoms* XD Angsty bois + smex = *insert much droolage*
Eee, thank you for your kind words! I'm glad that you like them~ *squish!*
Waiii! Asuran and Shinn!
sweet..:) The Heine pic is amusing..
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