Title: Sultry Notes Author: worblehat Fandom: Bleach Pairing: Gin/Matsumoto Rating: R Summary: Dancing, sex and ends. Notes: Written for prpl_pen. Every inch of you. Word Count: 757
SO MUCH LOVE. It's like you managed to take the stuff I love best about GinRan and condense it into a neat little package. Especially the ending bit. Thanks so much, Bri! ♥
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Jessie! aldsnflkds I love this pairing, so I'm glad I managed to write something decent. The ending was the best fun tow rite. ♥~
That was just AWESOME. *_* Man, did you own me with the incredibleness of this story... *_____*
I adored the way you had their roles play out so perfectly well even though in such a short story. I love it so much, this story of yours! Woot for GinRangiku! xD
I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it that much! It was kind of challenging to write, or at least to start - but once I got going, it seemed to fit into a nice sort of...mood? I guess. Anyway, thanks for reading. ♥
Comments 6
I adored the way you had their roles play out so perfectly well even though in such a short story. I love it so much, this story of yours! Woot for GinRangiku! xD
Oh this is just gorgeous. I can picture this so, so well, and just ahhhhhhhh *_*.
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