Title: Visits And Raindrops Author: worblehat Genre: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Ryoma/Tezuka Rating: G Disclaimer: Konomi's. Notes: Used this week's word prompt at 15minuteficlets and is included under the cut. Word Count: 567
Ah! I've seen the movie of Prince of Tennis ^^. I still don't know really the names but well, wikipedia is my friend :). Anyway, love the writing, but that's usual ^^.
You did? Did you like it? The movie is pretty good, the series is even better because it has one of my favourite teams in it, haha. If you'd like to know where to get those, I could send you a link.
Thanks, same to you! I hope it was a highly enjoyable one. ♥
Comments 12
This was just so pretty and so... them. I loved loved loved it.
I'm relieved you found it to be them-like, I wrote it kind of distractedly last night and couldn't tell.
Hi, you're awesome. :)
Also merry christmas :).
Thanks, same to you! I hope it was a highly enjoyable one. ♥
Oh, lovely and sweet! Perfect rainyday fic!
You win at life, you know? ♥
That was brilliantly written, as always. *___________* ilu so much. :DDD
Haha, do I? Thanks for thinking that.
I'm really happy you liked it! ♥
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