Title: Play To Your Strengths Author: worblehat Genre: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Choutarou/Oshitari Rating: PG Disclaimer: All Konomi's. Summary: Smalltalk about doubles between Hyotei regulars. Word Count: 632
Choutarou isn't sure if Oshitari was talking about Shishido-san or not. But as he readies his serve, he thinks of strength and he thinks of Shishido and both blur into one. Sorry if I can't write an intelligent comment without quoting, but this line is just too wonderful and I *had* to do it. I feel like crying in joy, because it summarizes Shishido and Ohtori's relationship perfectly.
Sorry if I don't comment about the rest of the fic, but that line totally blew me away, and right now it's the only thing I can see. ^^''
You think so? Neat. I think their relationship is a very sweet one, but sometimes the sap in me takes over and I'm not sure if I'm really being true to the canon. Oh well!
Comments 6
Thanks for reading! :)
Sorry if I can't write an intelligent comment without quoting, but this line is just too wonderful and I *had* to do it. I feel like crying in joy, because it summarizes Shishido and Ohtori's relationship perfectly.
Sorry if I don't comment about the rest of the fic, but that line totally blew me away, and right now it's the only thing I can see. ^^''
No worries, your comment was awesome. :)
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