Title: Exactly What We Expected Pairing: Lutao-but-as-bros Rating: PG Length: One-shot. Summary: Lu Han and Zitao are out shopping during their day off. Bromance ensues.
"Even" if it's "just" bromance lol well I was going to write a more, er, adult Lutao, but the only Lutao shipper I knew of at the time doesn't read that kind of stuff so...I wrote this instead!
Comments 6
did he got the donald keychain for luhan? ^^ so sweet~
heheh I wonder if he did~ :3
and this was just so sweet~
"Even" if it's "just" bromance lol well I was going to write a more, er, adult Lutao, but the only Lutao shipper I knew of at the time doesn't read that kind of stuff so...I wrote this instead!
Aw, thank you!
lutao/taohan is finally legit for me.
no but seriously it's great to know I have managed to legitimize Lutao in your eyes ^.^
Thank you thank you thank you <3
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