Wow. ♥ ♥
Thanks to
osakaromanesque for the translation and lyrics, I fell more in love with it. I want a guy to sing that for me. tacchon please It's so sweet. And Ohkura's deep voice is just effin' lovely. ♥ I think it's another song I'd be playing for one week straight, like what I did to Secondhand Serenade's "Your Call".
"Sayonara wa Itsumo" reminds me of Uchi. =[
It's Yoko deary's birthday~~!
This pretty much sums up how awesome Yoko is. ♥ Ooh and
these too. Evidently, the one who made those videos is a Yoko fan.
No.1 mascot for Haloween!
He doesn't look that old. D: nor does he act like one.
Leah fans 4ever. xD Leah and Yoko would make a great couple. Like srsly. Ryo should be satisfied with Uchi because Uchi is Uchi. He may not have boobs and a vagina, but he is great in bed he's really pretty. Plus, Ryo loves everything about Uchi. =P
He loves balls. ♥
MARUYOKO. ♥ They're so cute together!! xD
Even when Yoko strangles Maru like that, it's still cute. LOL
K8 = friendship, courage and everything nice. Subaru looks drunk on the picture.
Yoko: This, my friends, is the effect of everynight sex with Uchi. *points at Ryo's stomach*
Ryo: Good exercise. =D
Hina doesn't make a nice woman. =[
UCHI. WA. UCHI. I miss him. I should stop mentioning him, this is a Yoko post for goodness sake
I always thought they were nice as a pairing. =]
I. need. to. stop. posting. pictures. with. Uchi. on. it. BUT IT'S SO CUTE AND IT MAKES ME WANNA GO AWW. *_*
credits: vendy, soompi,
oldricecooker for the youtube links.