
Jun 15, 2013 18:34

My year of change continues. Last year, at about this time, I moved houses and reduced my commute to three minutes ( Read more... )

rambling, personal, work

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Comments 21

the_rainbow_jen June 16 2013, 02:15:43 UTC
Congrats! So excited you'll get to make this change. Can't wait to hear all the good things that come with this new job for you :)


wook77 June 17 2013, 04:21:08 UTC
Thanks! I'm so beyond excited. It's crazy how energized i feel.

<3<3<3<3<3 Next time you're in time, I'm totally taking you out to dinner and Imma babble at you and I wanna hear about YOUR changes too! You're making some really big ones, yeah?


the_rainbow_jen June 17 2013, 04:44:25 UTC
I'm trying! See how it goes. The downside to academia is you have to apply your way up the ladder, there's no promotions or anything. So we'll see how it goes.


fiona_fawkes June 16 2013, 02:54:04 UTC
That is so exciting. Finally getting to leave a place that's that draining and move on, after so long and so much strife, is really kind of amazing. I did it almost a year ago now, and it was the best thing ever. Best of luck to you.


wook77 June 17 2013, 04:22:01 UTC
Thanks! It's ridonk how much more energy I suddenly have. I feel like I was in prison and I was just released because of awesome reasons.

I'm so glad you got to make that move, too!

I miss you <3


fiona_fawkes June 20 2013, 18:49:20 UTC
That's how you know it was the right decision. It's like you suddenly have the rest of yourself back. You don't really know how much you've been down-trodden and a crappy job until you suddenly have an out. Very exciting. And I miss you, too. Maybe you'll have more energy for fannish pursuits once you move jobs. Even if the commute is longer. (podcasts to listen to on the commute?) I don't really do anything that is not Sherlock or costuming any more.


shygryf June 16 2013, 03:01:32 UTC


wook77 June 17 2013, 04:22:11 UTC
:D Let's go to lunch and Imma babble at you!


shygryf June 17 2013, 04:24:42 UTC
That sounds great. Other than Thursday, I'm open.


wook77 June 17 2013, 04:27:12 UTC
Tuesday? Same place? Our "normal"?


mindabbles June 16 2013, 04:22:53 UTC
Go you!!!!!!!!!


wook77 June 17 2013, 04:22:30 UTC
Thanks! It's a great opportunity and a bunch more responsibility than I have right now. I'm really looking forward to it.


abigail89 June 16 2013, 14:33:25 UTC
Awesome! Good for you!

I know that temptation, to say 'fuck you' and flounce out, but yeah, not the better part of valor. I do like your strategy, though. Heh.*thumbs up*


wook77 June 17 2013, 04:23:25 UTC

Yeah, I'm going to have margaritas on the last day, controlling the guest list and stuff. It'll be enough. I'm not inviting Boss From Hell so if she tags along, it will be obvious that she's the awkward gatecrasher. It's the subtle fuck you that I'm going for.



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