Day 12: MOAR Strike and some schooling

Nov 12, 2009 23:06

Day has been spent working and in tears. I worked what is, probably, my last shift at Fry's last night. I thought I was all right but it's so weird to think about being forced off my job tomorrow ( Read more... )

school, letters, wibble, woe, personal, work

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Comments 7

libgirl November 13 2009, 06:39:31 UTC
Is it Sallie Mae? It sounds like Sallie Mae. They're really judgmental and rude every time I talk to them. I thought I might even have talked to that lady. LOL

YAY for you for going back to school and getting them off your back. The classes do sound interesting! :D

Maybe you can get student health insurance through the university?


syredronning November 13 2009, 12:26:39 UTC
He. Seems it's good for you to be more pissed than anything else. Yay for fighting and kicking the asses of stupid student loan company :))


starlitshore November 13 2009, 14:01:02 UTC
Don't you love it when PAYING MONEY for school means you SAVE MONEY? *\o/*

I'm so sorry you're upset and that you're life is teh shitty right now. *hugs* You're not getting fired. They're just making a big mistake and letting go someone awesome for $20/week. GOOD RIDDANCE on your part. :)


drusillas_rain November 13 2009, 14:57:22 UTC

The class sounds interesting!


blcwriter November 13 2009, 15:13:42 UTC
I am wishing for banana peels and birds to crap on the woman you spoke to at the loan company. And a better day for you. Thinking of you.


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