Sirius Big Bang

Sep 07, 2009 00:27

So, bigbangblackout is now live. For a list of all the offerings, go here.

If you're interested, mine is:

Title: Tom Jones (A Love Story).
Summary:The story in which Remus is a street musician, Sirius is a self-important banker that spends more on his coat than Remus makes in a month, James is James, and Peter likes Tom Jones.
Pairings: Remus/Sirius, James/ ( Read more... )

fests, slash, hp fic, r/s, fic, hp

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Comments 10

snegurochka_lee September 7 2009, 12:50:19 UTC
Ooh, you wrote a non-magical AU!! Totally looking forward to this one. :)


wook77 September 7 2009, 16:08:08 UTC
Thanks! It sort of snuck up on me :D


why_me_why_not September 7 2009, 13:30:21 UTC
I am so glad you solved the beta problem. I felt so so bad for not being able to focus on it to beta it. :(


wook77 September 7 2009, 16:08:24 UTC
Sort of, anyway. It was left to too late to get a full grammar beta.


(The comment has been removed)

wook77 September 7 2009, 16:09:04 UTC
<3 Awesome! Should you ever read it, I'd love to hear what you thought. It was definitely a journey to write.


mindabbles September 8 2009, 03:15:23 UTC
I will leave you a proper comment at BBB when I get a chance to read it again (I did a quick read of all the fics for typos and formatting) properly, but--I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved this story!!!!!! omg. swoon.


wook77 September 11 2009, 05:35:07 UTC
EE! Thanks! I enjoyed participating so much. You guys were a brilliant modteam!

I appreciate your kind words!


spacefragments September 8 2009, 23:49:24 UTC
this is one of the bbb fics i've bookmarked for future reading. :>


wook77 September 11 2009, 05:35:17 UTC
SWEET! Thanks!


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