Title: Untitled
Fandom: KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic)
Pairing: Implied FLS Revan/Carth
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 503
Warnings: Angst
Summary: She doesn't want to be like this, doesn't want to want what she can't have.
A/N: I've been *meh* about writing so I tested myself by seeing what I could write in 15 minutes. This is the result. Self-beta'd
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Comments 4
So in conclusion, YOU RULE, and I am screwed up with the angst of it right now. I need to go read fic where they get together and live happily ever after to make up for it :P That is how good this is.
So no more being *meh* about writing ;) Cause if you do that, we don't get your writing! And that makes me do this face - :(
YAYES for that! I'm glad you liked it, especially as I've been fairly blocked lately. I need to go check in to KFM now and try to find some new stuff to read, as well!
I'm doing my best to not be *meh* but we'll see. Also - no sad faces!!!!!
*uses HK icon to match yours*
I'm really glad that admission worked for you because it seemed so carth for me.
I LOVE your icon!
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