Springtime craziness as the sun warms the earth...
in the corporate box at Comiskey Park in Chicago
promoting the gay rodeo
Matt and woofer contemplating Monet at the Art Museum
on the Cascades in Forest Park...built for the 1904 World's Fair
Matt overlooking Art Hill
the tighty-whitey jock i bought for Matt...and promptly stole back
on the dancefloor w/ my buddy Jason
having fun in an unnamed location in Edgewater
"Flames" by Billy Collins - my design school project
in the corporate box at Wrigley Field
the first day w/out the top on the jeep...and it rained
on the elevator of the Knickerbocker hotel in Chicago
hanging out on the streets of Boystown
pupcubtx2k's shoes on the dance floor at Bear Pride
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