Did he talk to you about rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing the glop into your skin? Until it's totally dry and not sticky? It's more boring than that 30 seconds of mouthwash rinsing, but according to my doctor there's literature that says it makes a significant difference.
Actually, it's the low levels that cause the wild mood swings, short-temper and general fits of emo. Junior gave me a blood test and found my number was below the normal range. So I rubbed one packet every morning. After three months, I was noticing improvements, and not just with friskiness. But my ast test said I still wasn't up to the proper level so now it's two packets each morning. So temper is not a side effect so much as a symptom relieved by this. Of course, if you don't have low t levels, then this will make matters worse.
Comments 6
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And yeah, i don't see anything embarassing about it.
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