Went to see "The
HuskyPapi Story"*SMACK!*...er..."Transformers" with a group of woofy friends. Everything that you've read good about this movie is true...just suspend your disbelief (being ex-Army, i have to cringe from all the goofy things they do in movies...but it's a MOVIE!!!). Everyone of that era really got into it, but even though i am not of that age other than knowing what a "Transformer" was, i STILL loved it! i think Steven Spielberg was a good influence on Michael Bay and he toned down his jingoistic bullshit a little bit, and that's a good thing. So go plunk down your XXX-dollars, get some popcorn and have fun. Just stop by Walgreen's (a national drugstore chain for our international readers) since they have movie candy at 3/$3.
BTW, this is my eye and yes, they ARE that blue - no retouching involved.