+ Let us start with a meme just because
leobrat tagged me.
Choose 5 OTP’s without looking at the questions behind the cut first, then tag friends to do the same.
1. Danny/Mindy (The Mindy Project)
2. Harvey/Donna (Suits)
3. Oliver/Felicity (Arrow)
4. Quinn/Carrie (Homeland)
5. Rafael/Jane (Jane the Virgin)
OTP Meme Questions )
Comments 22
hurrah also for getting healthy! i signed up for a new gym membership earlier this year, but have only gone once so far D:
GO GIRL. it's laziness that is our worst enemy and I feel it every damn day. but i'm trying haha. lettuce do this <3
yes!!! i went to the gym for the first time in ages yesterday and GAWD I'M WEAK
Oliver and Felicity just because he's the Arrow. But I wouldn't give up on Danny or Mindy. They're New Yorkers and are pretty tough but who are we kidding? Arrow is a super hero and we all know they're the ones who come out alive with the girl (and Felicity isn't just a girl -- she will kick ass).
Oh, agreed. And I think they would be way more mentally prepared for a zombie apocolypse than Mindy/Danny would be.
I BLAME CAT FOR AoS but i also thank her. How did i go on for so long without it???
Mindy/Danny would be adorable in the apocalypse but they would die. haha. Welcome, welcome! I usually real life banter with some fangirling in between haha.
Mindy/Danny would be adorable in the apocalypse but they would die. haha.
I have a couple pairings like that. You're cute as all, but you just would not deal with the apocalypse well.
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