Start of An Age[
33 Down/19 To Go!][+] It was a lazy week for me in terms of drive to do actual work and in terms of inflow of work so I won. At least there wasn't anything pressing I had to attend to, but this week, I hope I get out of my lazy funk because I'm feeling majorly guilty for being so damn lethargic.
[+] This week, I was lucky enough to try out using an Android phone. Though it was just a froyo OS, I'm very easy to please and I think I might just get one for myself, (when I'm rich enough). Nevertheless, it was fun to play with a smart phone for the short time I had it. So yeah, if I was tweeting excessively, pardon me, I was excited.
[+] Also, I just realized we're down to the 19 weeks till the end of 2011. Obviously this countdown shows how fast time flies, but seeing the digit 1 being in the first place, I'm scared at how eerily
[+] Let's all have great, chill weeks up ahead, yes? Let's spread the positivity around.
My little sister was feeling horrible the night before and still somehow managed to go to school this morning, but then I find out my parents had to pick her up cause she wasn't feeling too good. I really hope it's not dengue fever (her friend just had it) and I just hope it's dehydration from her having thrown up the night before. She's such a skinny kid, I hope she'll turn out alright.
Mondays are Mondays and there was an incredibly long line for the elevators after lunch. For some reason, I managed to be at least a little productive so Pam and I rewarded ourselves with some milk tea on a Monday. How I would kill for it to be even a little nearer the office (not that it isn't near already).
For more spending, I woke up utterly late and had to take a cab again. I know my entire LJ speaks of nothing but cab fare but it's important yo! This is money being wasted because I'm not waking up early. I should really set my alarm and my internal body clock to get off my lazy ass and just head to the bathroom already. It's a daily struggle, I tell you.
My eyes were totally failing me as I tried to finish the reports I needed to do for Thursday. By the time I got home, I was so tired, I ate dinner and slept through Midnight in Paris. I will try to finish this again and hopefully not fall asleep right away. Plus I'd hate to get behind on LJ again. The good news? I get to keep the android till Friday. A few more days with the current obsession.
I swear rides home with my dad are the best ever. I can't stress enough how much easier things are when my dad picks me up. I know I sound liek a spoiled kid, being all picky about commuting but it really gets tiring. I know I would still pick commuting over having to look for parking, pay for parking and for gas, but in my ideal world, a driver would miraculously pick me up without having to pay for anything.
i am officially spending way beyond my means -- on CAB FARE. How do you guys wake up early?! Cause I used to do this effortlessly and now, I cannot open my eye before 6am. I should be out of the house by 6am to beat traffic but no, instead I'm curled up on my bed. Boo.
I'm glad I was able to totally crash my parent's date though. They went out for a movie and I, being the kid that requires MOST attention, totally tagged along. Hey, free movie and dinner? Yes please. Plus, I know it sounds crazy, but I really do enjoy hanging out with my folks. I know it's not the most popular opinion, but whatever, I guess I'm just weird.
MY BRAIN DOES NOT FUNCTION TWICE A WEEK: Mondays and Fridays. True enough, today the boss was away and it took a whole lot of effort for me to get through my tasks. If it weren't for my list of things to do, for sure I would just float through the day. I'm so happy for days like this though. Even if we're not on holiday, unlike Quezon City, I'll take the light day.
And for the first time, Pam and I had lunch out! Bonchon Chicken! This thing is addicting and Pam and I have been craving it since forever. So it's a good thing we weren't too busy today, so we were able to split the wings for lunch. Good times, I tell you. The only thing missing from today was milk tea. But we can't win 'em all.
We fixed our room! Sort of. MY little sister has been getting allergies because of staying too close to the windows so we rearranged it in such a way where neither of us were near a window (and believe me, our room is tiny so this was something). And well, It was a little exciting to rearrange the room and have it all so clean. I hope we can keep this up.
My dad, being the rotter that he is, decided to take us out for dinner and a movie (he's generous like that). So we finally got around to watching Captain America and my god, isn't Chris Evans pretty? I thought so too. He was just so BIG. Like everywhere.
It's my grandad's death anniversary and though i was only three when he died, I would have loved to have known him more. I just know stories of him, like how he was quiet and how my mom tried talking him out of wearing pomade for even just one day (he tried and didn't like it) and how he topped the bar exams for medicine. My mom and I went to my grandma and we took her to see him and just hang out for a bit. Hang tight in heaven, Papa Ben, you were a cool guy.
And of course, because an active morning is equal to a totally bum-worthy afternoon, I watched some Downton Abbey, tried reading a bit and fell asleep. Guess when I woke up? Monday morning of course. I love wasting the weekends on sleep.