12 of 12: November 2009

Nov 12, 2009 23:57

[+] Take 12 photos on the 12th of each month
[+] Post the pictures chronological order
[+] Indicate the time, location, and a small comment
[+] Have fun camwhoring!
[+] Taken from Chad at 12 of 12

My Bedroom06:10 AMThere's just one month left to my High School Musical 3 calendar and it's creepy how fast the year is going. I was afraid that this month's 12 of 12 would be boring but thanks to events during my morning, it turned out pretty eventful

Family Room07:15 AMI'm running late and I'm trying to scarf down my wonderful pseudo breakfast muffin and decide to bring the car to work for the first time ever. I even let my sister hitch and our neighbors too. Good deeds all around.

Parking Lot Entrance08:05 AMThe car has been having battery troubles but nothing major and today as I turn off the engine cause I need to give the keys to the guard for inspection my trunk, the car will NOT START ANYMORE. I have to call the company's mechanics to help me restart it.

08:10 AMMy car is basically in the middle of Scout Bayoran. Thank god for the sweet guard and mechanics who help me out with my dilemma. Thank god I drive a manual or I'd be in deep shit. Basically, I had so many sweet folk help me out.

Goodyear Servitek, Timog Avenue08:20 AMI end up at a car shop and I'm lucky they figure it out really quick. I'm surprised they even give me 20% discount (10 for paying cash and another 10 for being an employee at my company!) I was shocked and just happy I didn't have to spend too too much.

Goodyear Servitek, Timog Avenue09:45 AMI'm glad I can wait in an air-conditioned office and I'm glad I came to work early enough that I didn't have to worry about missing too much time to work. Despite the craziness that happened, I'm still thankful it happened during the day and in a public place.

My Desk09:20 AMMy going-home-mate, Pat wrote me a note on my desktop (yup that's the Harper's Bazaar photo shoot behind) telling me I logged-in in the log-out space. I was obviously so frazzled over my morning, I'm surprised I even remembered to log-in.

Pantry12:30 PMIt was our house's 20th birthday yesterday so we celebrated by having noodles (for long life -- of the house!) and I love pansit so much I asked if I could have it for lunch. My lunchbox isn't even always THAT full with food, but for pansit, I can make an exception.

Lobby02:45 PMRemember how last time, there was a really pretty Christmas tree in the lobby? Well after I took that, they decided that tree wasn't TALL ENOUGH, so they replaced it with this really really huge (and pretty) one that spans TWO ENTIRE FLOORS. Crazy, but beautiful!

Pantry04:30 PMMy manager is the sweetest person ever. I was supposed to be at the client presentation this morning but thanks to car troubles, I didn't go along. And so she brought food back from their lunch out. I LOVE Shanghai Bistro. Their food is just supebr. Mike, Emman, Mae and I feasted on their spoils for merienda in the afternoon.

My Desk06:40 PMThe view from my desk is the entrance of the office (blocked by a half wall). And so I see the parol hanging from my desk. It's really pretty but also pretty distracting. I find myself staring at the twinkling lights waaaay too often. Christmas is all around in the office.

Kitchen08:30 PMBecause the house turned 20 yesterday, my mom and dad brought home pastries for dessert. I had an eclair and a cream puff for dessert. If only our shares weren't rationed, I'd have eaten waaaay more than just one piece each. Tomorrow, I plan on NOT driving the car and having my share of Cinnabon for breakfast. Sounds like a great plan. Thank god it's Friday tomorrow!

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