Would It Flatter You To Know That Mostly It’s You That Makes Me So Slow?

Nov 01, 2009 20:48

You say I'm so calm, but I'm not -- 43 Down/9 to Go[me][-] So much for playing things cool. I can never be cool around crushes. Ever. I must learn to chillax and take it easy. It's not like there's any point to all of this. Must be Summer-like.

[-] My cousin Miguel, who's my age just went through ANOTHER surgery and I'm amazed at how strong he is as a person. I'd be falling apart and crying every other second if I was going through even just a bit of what he's going through. I wish I could be as strong as him.

[+] And October is OVER. We've got 9 weeks left till 2010 and it still baffles me how quickly time goes by. I feel so very unaccomplished. Someone snap their fingers and make me do something that matters!

[+] Long weekends are ♥ November starts with a long weekend and ends with another one. I'm going to enjoy my Monday off. I hope everyone has a great week ahead of them.





A year ago, Tracey and I were just imagining who our Star Magic boyfriends would be. Today, I visited her rehearsing for the Star Magic Ball where she'd be performing alongside Enchong Dee (her star magic boyfriend!) and a whole bunch of celebs. I'm so proud of Tracey! My favorite ballerina is hitting big! But it was just so good to see her.
It feels like catch-up with college friends week cause today I actually got to chat with Sophie (my law-school bound buddy) who is always so busy studying! We all set a date for Friday, so I'm crossing my fingers that that happens. Somehow, despite how fast time flies, so much happens. I don't know how it all fits. I'm exhausted just thinking of it.
It still hasn't dawned on me how the small things I do at work, are all part of a much BIGGER picture. I'm still astounded at how huge the company is and how things work. Also, I had three meetings straight today for the first time and it was exhausting. To think they're just meetings for planning. I'd hate to see the meetings for actual implemenatation.
I just found out that I'd have to present to a MAJOR client tomorrow without my manager. Sure, I'm part of a bigger team, but it's still daunting to do this suddenly! And we were required to wear costumes for Halloween since the client is celebrating their Halloween party on Friday. Let's cross our fingers I don't die.

Missing My Girls So muchPhoto courtesy of me
An extra long but fulfilling day starting with my first client presentation without my boss. I'm just glad I didn't mess up too much. The client had asked everyone to come in costume and we really thought they were kidding but they weren't. I came as a flower. SO very creative. But I haven't worn a costume in years so that's a big step for me.

Then the ultra noisy Halloween party in the office for the kids. I'm so not a kid person. But it was nice to see all the officemates turn into proud parents. Plus there was free food! It was just hard to get any work done cause I was so distracted by the kids and the candy and office crushes looking mightily adorable. And really, it's pathetic the things I do.

But ending my day with college girl friends is the best. I miss them so much! We had dinner and dessert at Shangri-la and though Tracey was missing, Anna, Sophie, Mimi and Ali were there and it was just really good to catch up with them. I used to see them everyday and now I barely ever get to. I hope I get to see them more often.



We didn't have power the night before and I woke up to a storm. It wasn't so bad, and didn't last too long so Pamy and I were able to visit Miguel in the hospital. He is the strongest and happiest patient I've ever seen. I don't ever want to get sick but if I do, I wanna be as peppy as him. And after six months, I finally got my haircut!
Spent the ENTIRE day at my grandma's house after visiting my grandpa's at the crypt. My grandma's house ALWAYS makes me sleepy or maybe it's because I always feel like I'm going to get an allergy. So I was able to rest and then finally watched (500) Days of Summer with my mom and Paola. And I loved it. Great way to end the week.

first job, tag-less boy, kids, more family, 2009 weekender, college friends

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