All Spun Awake and Twisted in the Heat

May 10, 2009 22:54

Movies And Books Make Up My Vacation -- 18 Down/34 To Go!Photo courtesy of meI don't know why I bothered to recap this week when my days really are just a repetition of the last. Wake up at around 7am (ish), check my mail, check my flist, check for gossip, watch a movie, have a lunch, read my book (while my little sister uses the laptop), take a nap, go to mass, get back on the Internet, have dinner, let Paola finish my downloads as I continue to read and then go to sleep.

For serious. And I'm not complaining either. It's a fabulous routine. I love monotony. I love routine. Sure, I've had people ask me several times this week what I plan on doing and though I want to answer them: I plan on being a bum for as long as I can, I know that's not the answer their looking for. Maybe I should insert into my routine: "discern what I want to do with my life." Yes maybe next week -- along with exercise perhaps.


[+] I don't know how I managed but I woke up really early (like 630am) on my own and was actually able to accomplish quite a bit before lunch. I finally watched Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging which was so cute!

[+] I also spent the rest of the day reading Pride and Prejudice which I finally finished. Thanks to thesis and graduation I kept going off schedule with my book reading and now I have to read like 6 books to catch up. Oh me and my anal retentive ways.


Missing My Org[me][+] Since I already finished reading Pride and Prejudice, I decide to watch Bride and Prejudice and I really enjoyed it. Such a funny movie.

[+] Went to school to get my graduation pictures and saw Ruth. It felt good to catch up with her again. I found out that everyone is looking for jobs and I sort of felt the pressure of having to find a job already. I don't want to think about it just yet, but yeah it's definitely lingering there.

[+] Then we bumped into our org mates shooting our org's new AVP. It felt weird not being part of that anymore. I was but an alumni and no longer part of it in a way. Sad. But I felt old mostly.

[+] I got home and started reading City of Bones and wow. dorkfish04 sure knows how to get someone hooked on something!!! What am I going to do with another thing to obsess about?!!? I'm so easy to hook.


[+] Been waking up quite early and I'm happy cause I get more work mischief done. I watched Bend it Like Beckham and want Jonathan Rhys Meyers now. The director also did Bride and Prejudice and Angus so it was fun to see her progression as a director.

[+] Spent the afternoon napping and finishing up City of Bones. Damn it. My life is ruled by books now. I wish I had more of a summer than just lazing around in bed. but hey, I'm not going ot complain.


[+] I love rainy days and it was cold and windy all morning that I decided to bring Pietro to UP for his Freshman Orientation instead of letting him commute. It felt oddly nostalgic to be driving Pietro to his new school (my old school) and no longer as a student.

[+] I watched Billy Elliott right before lunch and found the movie to be really touching. I kept crying even if it wasn't really sad. It was such a feel good film actually, but the sentiments it gave me made me bawl every other scene. I loved it.


[-] Didn't wake up as early as I could have because i stayed up reading. I wanted to bring my sister to school for enrollment but the car wouldn't start. Apparently, I had left the park light on and the battery got drained. Luckily, I got a driver from the other house to help us push the car and it started again! Lucky.

[+] Saw Star Trek with my cousins (we filled up almost the entire row) and it was a lot of fun! Even if Pamy was late and Miguel was MIA along with PB (but he's in Singapore). The movie was fabulous but the company was even crazier. Nikki and I were probably very noisy. Spock is love.


Tequila Sunset at the Beer GardenPhoto courtesy of me[-] Woke up quite late (10am) cause I stayed up till 4am reading Mansfield Park. I'm still not done but it's a surprisingly easy read. Easier than say Northanger Abbey. But I'm liking it so far. I also hate Mrs. Norris. She needs to die.

[+] Went to Anna's gradmixer of sorts at her house aka the beer garden. And since Anna's parties are topnotch this one had all the kinds of alcohol you could ever imagine. Only Anna can make me drink a tequila shot, the most amazing mojitos EVER (i couldn't even taste alcohol) and random other drinks. I swear, two consecutive Saturdays of drinking?! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO ME?!

[+] The food was soooooooooooooo freaking amazing too though. The spinach and artichoke dip with the chips and the steak and shrimp kebabs and the chilli pepper tempura with salsa!!!! I can't stop raving over the food.

[+] Of course it was just nice to see college friends again (Sophie, Caloy, Sam, Kai, Bia, Joseph, Mark and JAMES made an appearance too!!!) Only Anna can make him appear. Also I miss Anna's family. It was so wonderful to see her mom and dad and sisters again. Oh I miss that house.


[-] I don't know why but on Sundays, I can't bring myself to wake up for the 8am mass. I like the 10 am mass (despite being charismatic) but I'd prefer to go to the 8am one. I feel like I get more done on Sundays.

[+] My cousins and extended family came over to our house for our Mother's Day lunch which extended to dinner. It was fun just hanging out and talking and trying out the new card game with them. Our lunches are never just lunches. They're always much much longer than that.

[-] My tummy was aching the entire time so I had to keep laying down for periods of time. I hate feeling this way. The weather was really good and cooperative though. Raining all day is love. When I'm indoors that is.

vacation, up mco, more family, 2009 weekender, college friends

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