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Comments 4

pseudonymeter February 16 2012, 10:05:21 UTC
ponies are not a small fandom T_T

bwah, everything i am watching/reading currently is like huge megalithic fandom or absolutely no fandom exists for it.


woodburner February 16 2012, 21:49:14 UTC
I am having the same problem, lol. Well I mean I wouldn't call Fringe fandom MEGALITHIC but it's probably too big for the meme... And well SHERLOCK, just no.


yamikakyuu February 16 2012, 17:54:59 UTC
Nooooo its on DW, I dont use that :(

Also LOVE the icon!


woodburner February 16 2012, 21:51:06 UTC
We may be doing one on LJ too! Idk though? We'll see!

Also thanks! It's by lady_rinehart. :D


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